..Itching in Vegas?

It is Friday evening, the end of August is near and I would love to welcome the first day of the new month like usual. It is the point of zero where I start the count of my winnings all over again. Now my room mate is "willing" to learn how to count cards. Maybe that choice itself is the most easiest one. Becoming or being a professional cardcounter is a job like all other jobs, except every raise you got is accompanied by a hit from the pitboss watching you. The only job where raises are not given but need to be earned by yourself, and they ain't gonna make it easy for you.

This beautiful evening we decided to go to Boulder Station where their welcome at the tables is nothing else than a sleezy goodluck. Really, next time an almost naked cocktail waitress is coming near me chanting here coaktail song out of her to tight up strapped blouse, I am gonna tell here that the redlight district in Amsterdam has more opportunities for here.

Sitting at one of their tables we got the Bitch. Talking all the time to get me out of my proposition she smashed the cards at front of me showing a total disrespect for her own being. Losing my part, I helped my all excited in heaven looking room mate upon the rehabilitation of our chipstack. Blackjack isn't about now alone you see. It is about now with a future remark towards the word now...

Being emotional stable while all the plus bets are losing ones, is one of the most difficult things to do while under the pressure of making decisions not based upon emotions. One of those hands I got even pissed. Two tens making 20 versus the dealer's 4 is a good hand with a 1 percent advantage, but.... like I stated earlier it is not about winning that hand now, it is about making the best decisions for the sake of future percentages. My room mate did not understand yet that
splitting tens sometimes is a reasonable decision.

I was not sure what he was doing that time he saw the tens. Looking somewhat confused he stared from his cards to his 25 dollar bet, me trying to convince him fast enough that we need to split this hand. The bitch fat and ugly and looking for revenge based upon personal issues could not wait and told that we would be greedy and argued that we are playing with the entire table.

After hearing this remark I could not remember to laugh or to grab here over waited belly over the table to tell her that playing like the rest must be a social event than, if I look around this entertaining garden called Trashy Vegas. In a moment of impatience not sure about the outcomen and seeing my room mate still staring I grabbed the cards and commanded; split the tens dammit, I am not wasting my time at social events.

The bitch reacted furious telling me not to touch the cards and to shut up. I immediately called the pitboss who ofcourse does not give a shit either and told him that by being born again you should not tell somebody to shut up. Meanwhile the dealer busted and sometimes it pays of to do the right thing...

Of course Euro trash are all looking like homo sexuals therefore she could not resist telling my room mate where his boyfriend went after I left the table for a healthy preview with my room mate about why and what to do when you are team mates. Vegas more and more I see what a trash this town is, and how stupid all those people coming here thinking it is acceptable to lose day after day, simply because that is easier than walking your own not approved path by the audiance.


Well-Known Member
My favorite "cocktail song"

Your post and the mention of "chanting her cocktail song" reminds me of my favorite "cocktail song." There are many that stand out in my mind. Typically not because of what the cocktail waitress says, but how she says it. It is typically the "COCKTAIL" from the 40 something woman with the cigarette rasp. The reader must understand that I play in some of the more dingy venues. However it is possible to add some spice the the statement. My favorite is (in that same raspy voice) "Can the El Cortez buy you a drink". Ha Ha. The first time I heard that I nearly fell out of my chair.

You guys and your emotions

"...Being emotional stable while all the plus bets are losing ones, is one of the most difficult things to do while under the pressure of making decisions not based upon emotions. One of those hands I got even pissed. Two tens making 20 versus the dealer's 4 is a good hand with a 1 percent advantage, but.... like I stated earlier it is not about winning that hand now, it is about making the best decisions for the sake of future percentages. My room mate did not understand yet that splitting tens sometimes is a reasonable decision..."

Good God, how high was the count where it is a good idea to split 10's vs. 4? That is a legitimate index play, but one of minimal value. I believe you were playing shoe (because you said that the dealer was upset that you touched the cards) so counts that high are very rare indeed. And you said there was a $25 bet down, so the count could not have been that high. Therefore from what you have said I deduce that splitting 10's was the wrong decision in this instance. Splitting 10's vs. 4 is worth pennies per hour even to a black chip player. It's not worth fretting about, on any level, and there are experienced counters who don't split 10's at all because it's too much of a giveaway for a counter, and they don't miss the money.

"...I was not sure what he was doing that time he saw the tens. Looking somewhat confused he stared from his cards to his 25 dollar bet, me trying to convince him fast enough that we need to split this hand. The bitch fat and ugly and looking for revenge based upon personal issues could not wait and told that we would be greedy and argued that we are playing with the entire table..."

Now you are starting to sound like someone else who posted here recently! Looks like your anger over losing sessions might be affecting you at the table. Understandable. I'm always playing short-stacked and it gets to me, knowing emotionally that if I don't turn this session around I won't be playing again for a while, and then knowing mathematically that *I* cannot turn anything around, that's variance's job, and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it other than just keep playing according to plan.

You might want to reconsider trying to train other counters at the table, because if you can get so mad at a dealer and about bad variance that you are going on tilt, having a bad student can only be much worse.


My philosophy on count-based 10-splits ...

... is that while it may be of little value in the long-run, it is nonetheless high gain in the moment that it occurs.

BTW, I can assure you that Stuart Wild knows when to split 10s v 4. He was playing small stakes.

I had dealer 4 with a HiLo equivalent of +13 last night. First hand is 10s, split, one becomes 12 and the other 14. Second hand 10s again, split, one becomes 15, the other lands an Ace and the count is high enough for me to consider doubling on it, but alas no DAS. Everyone at the table is in high-alert "what is he doing!?" Dealer flipped hole 10 and busted with another 10.

I looked at the others who all held stiffs, their eyes wide with relief and told them, "Do not attempt this at home without adult supervision!" zg

Sun runner

Well-Known Member

<font size=3>Good God, how high was the count where it is a good idea to split 10's vs. 4? That is a legitimate index play, but one of minimal value. I believe you were playing shoe .. so counts that high are very rare indeed. And you said there was a $25 bet down, so the count could not have been that high. </font>

It could have been; that is a poor assumption. More counters than not shy away from making the proper big bets.

Therefore from what you have said I deduce that splitting 10's was the wrong decision in this instance.

Or you might have deduced that this bet, the one in the friend/student's bet square, was a flat bet not intended to correlate with the count at all.

I love splitting tens. I'm no pro, I'm usually not sweating the heat, and it is a blast. It's positive EV, it gives some at the table great fun and others it just pisses off. The best of all worlds.

Generally, I understand why the pros would not do it, but I still manage to enjoy my time at the table.

Think about it. If you are in a rich slug of cards, maybe not playing alone, might as well split and soak up all you can of this little run. With a few others at the table the money cards will probably be all gone next time around, and so might I be.
splitting tens

Well, in response to your response I was playing double deck. I just touched my neigbours cards because it went all a bit slow. I am not agree with the fact that you give yourself away as a counter doing so. If you have a good bet covering plan you should sometimes just split tens for the fun of it ofcourse when cheap bets are out, so they get used to you bieng an idiot. I love to play that role. It suites me very well.. Do well.
