johndoe said:
You mostly do "research" to impress new players and inflate your ego. None of the experienced people around here believe a word of it. You've been publicly making these fanciful claims for *years*, without one shred of evidence to support them. Without any evidence at all, your claims deserve to be challenged, and you deserve to be roundly ridiculed for your nonsense.
Put up or shut up already.
So be it. I know some are actual researchers and not just parasites living of of the research of others. I will help them. The beggars wanting a formula to follow without any real understanding can keep doing what they do. It works and there is nothing wrong with that. The idea that being able to sort deck compositions into more similar groups has no value just shows that some don't have any understanding of how to make results better behaved. How you use information gathered can make the groupings you base bets on populated by more similar deck compositions. Reducing everything to a number on a number line for forming deck composition groups to base bets on makes this impossible. Surprisingly the big gain in getting well behaved results is the bets you decrease from the TC bin it populates with a TC, number line use of information. It always cost some EV because they are almost always over bet positive situations. Sometimes they are disadvantage situations but that is rare.
Now when most people look at the graphs in the OP for the above link they see some pretty cool info but it doesn't really tell them much that is worth investigating. When I look at the advantage range with the red dot added as the average I see opportunity. The placement of the red dot shows the bell curve for each line must be severely right skewed. In other words far more deck compositions are over bet to a lesser degree than the much longer ranging positive side of the average. I see that the advantage for the next two smaller betting bins fit these high frequency over bet situations much better than the TC they are in. I know reducing everything to a umber on a number line will just shuffle things around and end up with about the same distribution, promoting some bet and denoting others fro their TC in the graph. But if you get away from reducing everything to a number on a number line, and identify certain families of related deck compositions and separating them within the TC for their own betting group based on their specific stats rather than moving them to another betting bin and averaging them with very dissimilar deck compositions, they are bet appropriately.
It is the moving them to another very large group of unrelated deck compositions that cause the same issues you had before, a wide range of deck compositions and a wide range of advantages that are severely right skewed. When you can bet based on groups of strongly related deck compositions rather than a random cross section of deck compositions you have a tool for shaping short term results. The tool can either greatly increase or decrease swings. It will cost you EV to decrease swings. Maximizing EV will increase swings. That makes sense because swings are largely defined by your bet sizes and how much you risk to generate more EV. The point is to get any significant change you just change the way you use the information. The key is trying to figure out how to divide TCs into subgroups that are populated by more similar situations. A multi-level count sort of does this but it still reduces the information to a number on a number line, which makes the final bin populated by many dissimilar deck compositions.
The idea I am trying to explain is you want bins populated with lower frequencies that are more similar deck compositions. You figure how to do that and you have a tool to shape results. I have been saying that using the neutral card density to predict the actual high card density is one way that accomplishes this. TC is used to predict the density of high cards for betting but it doesn't see the very large range of high card density within each TC caused by the density of neutral cards. There are many other causes of the range of advantage but finding one of the easy to track ones and using that information to bet using smaller groups of similar deck compositions rather than large groups of dissimilar deck compositions gives you opportunities to use the information that the traditional number line TC approach doesn't. If all you do with smaller bins is get a random subset of dissimilar deck compositions within the TC you are wasting your time. The opportunity is caused by
smaller groupings with similar deck compositions. What is similar with the deck compositions here is the density of high cards within the TC. You will be sorting some of the TC into another sub-bin populated by that TCs lowest density of high cards.
If you don't understand the opportunities that come with more accurate assessment of high card density for betting within each TC bin without some form of proof you really don't understand what you are trying to do with counting at all.