It's over.

stainless steel rat

Well-Known Member

Someone asked this question elsewhere (I don't remember where) and someone responded that they had lost almost 1000 units (actually something well over 900 but I don't recall the answer). Certainly sounds ugly. General idea is that the longer/more you play, the farther outside the center of the bell curve your results can wander. If someone has played for 30+ years, regularly, they must have seen some horrendous consecutive losses (as well as some incredible consecutive wins of course).

stainless steel rat

Well-Known Member
basic idea

P(losing huge number of units) > 0.0

For example, we take one dice, you get 1-2-3-4-5 and I get 6. you roll and if you hit one of your numbers I pay you 1:1. If you hit my number, you pay me 1:1. Most likely I will go bankrupt. But on occasion, you will go broke rolling many 6's...

It isn't likely, but probability doesn't care. It can come up at any time, and if you are unlucky it can come up more often than it should. You might also play a bunch of sessions and win every one...

The more you play, the more the "unevenness" smoothes out and things are not as painful as they can be over a very short term experience.