
Jeff Haney debunks claims of ‘scamdicappers,’ who try to fleece sports bettors looking for an edge
By Jeff Haney
Fri, Jan 25, 2008 ()
As the premier single-day sports betting event of the year, the Super Bowl generates an annual last-ditch advertising blitz by football “scamdicappers” — touts who sell their worthless sports predictions to suckers with credit card numbers.
A sure sign of a scamdicapper is a claim that he owns a long-term record of making picks against the point spread of 60 percent, 70 percent or higher.
If you’re tempted to believe such nonsense, consider a public challenge just put forth by Fezzik, the one-name professional gambler from Las Vegas.
Fezzik says he is willing to bet anyone up to $100,000 that he or she cannot pick NFL winners against the point spread at a rate of 57 percent or better.
MORE- http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2008/jan/25/jeff-haney-debunks-claims-scamdicappers-who-try-fl/