The problem is, it doesn't matter what most answer with, because if it doesn't fall within ones experience it will be thought of as another internet lie. I'm sure many have tapped out their bankrolls. I'm also sure many play with a higher risk of ruin then I would even consider. Its been my experience that most supposed Ap's that play this game play it as if they should win every time out, usually meaning playing underfunded only to be replenished later after they get bombed out. There's nothing wrong with that, as long as you know your risk and are not surprised by the consequences of it.
I have never even come close to tapping out my bankroll, and I never will. Its totally possible to play with this confidence if you are properly funded. Strange things can happen, but with good money management, and skills, tapping out a full bankroll shoudn't happen. A trip bankroll, sometimes. The whole thing, never, unless you play with a high enough ROR that you expect it and can replenish it easily. The truth is most play with an uneeded sense of urgency to get to the casino, thus playing with what they've got instead of what they need. That leads to the stats of which you feel make up a lot of AP's. So what, the idea is play right and play long, anything else, is just a matter of you reaping what you sow.