JOB paytable


Well-Known Member
what's the return on this paytable for JOB?


1 coin

what's the winrate/hr if max coin is $5 @ 360hands/hr?


Well-Known Member

Geez Mach, ease up man don't you know deversification spreads your risk. Don't put all you eggs in one basket and all that. I play to take a break and to throw the dogs off my scent.


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
Geez Mach, ease up man don't you know deversification spreads your risk. Don't put all you eggs in one basket and all that. I play to take a break and to throw the dogs off my scent.
LMAO Jim, you have no rite you are.....
Just bustin JB's baalls a bit. He know's.....:)
My real question to him is ......why the hell you would post a question on a 2 coin JOB pay schedule??? Maybe a test?? He can be a bit sneaky......:)



Well-Known Member
I didn't know it was 2 coin. my question was for a 1 coin paytable. I'm gonna have to go back there and see. although it's really far out of the way, plus I'm sure Chap knows what he's talking about. plus I'm sure 98% return is more feasible than the 189% return I calculated if it was a 1 coin machine. but it's a hole in the wall place in the middle of nowhere, I was hoping they made a mistake, like the plenty I have caught on the tables in BFing nowhere.

quit busting my balls macho!!! I'm gonna get cha sooner or later!!!! LOL!!!


Active Member
Haha, this same thing happened to me and I got all excited since I found a bartop progressive but it was like 10 CREDITS (or 50 for max payout) a spin not 1.


Well-Known Member
I once met a guy who claimed to be an ex-pro slot player, he said hes no longer allowed into most casinos, and he said he did nothign wrong but take advantage of "their own mistakes."

DOes this and the possible presence of this error suggest that casinos actually **** up their pay tables every now and then, and a player could simply find one and take advantage of it?


Well-Known Member
Ferretnparrot said:
DOes this and the possible presence of this error suggest that casinos actually **** up their pay tables every now and then, and a player could simply find one and take advantage of it?
Absolutely. These mistakes are more likely to happen in BFE than on Las Vegas Blvd, though.