Let's recap. JSTAT, who happens to use a side count of 4s and a long history of ignoring the truth, finds a Stations Casino inserting extra 4s into a double deck game. A new poster comes on and uses all of his six posts to back it up,only he claims its not just 4s, but he counted extra 5s and 6s as well. A poster with a rather lengthy past on the boards goes and finds no such thing. Surprise,surprise- JSTAT now claims that Stations( a billion dollar entity) has cleaned up the game. Another poster with a history on the board says he's played there and never saw anything like that, but of course,he doesn't keep a side count of 4s.
We are left with two possibilities. Stations Casinos was willing to risk it's license and reputation by cheating players and JSTAT single handidly put a stop to it, or the situation existed only in JSTATs pointed little head.
Call me a cynic, but I'm going with the latter.
As far as having the same IP address goes, what does that matter?
I post from my home, from my office, from my summer house and from friend's laptops. Doesn't that present itself as four seperate IPs? JSATS already admitted to having multiple ids both on here and another board.