Just curious...and noobish...


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I believe you can become a good ap player in six months. However, the more you learn, the more you learn you don't know. Dicipline is the number one key. Getting up when you need to get up, only playing games that are most profitable, not playing on emotion or a gut feel. However it takes a good while to learn everything there is to know, and then you figure out there is more to learn.

You can make good money just by keeping an acurate count and betting at the proper times, but can almost double you winnings after years of learning and experience.
ccibball50 said:
I believe you can become a good ap player in six months. However, the more you learn, the more you learn you don't know. Dicipline is the number one key. Getting up when you need to get up, only playing games that are most profitable, not playing on emotion or a gut feel. However it takes a good while to learn everything there is to know, and then you figure out there is more to learn.

You can make good money just by keeping an acurate count and betting at the proper times, but can almost double you winnings after years of learning and experience.
And if I don't have more than 500$ to start ?
Guess there is no future for any BJ career...:confused:


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Rub said:
And if I don't have more than 500$ to start ?
Guess there is no future for any BJ career...:confused:
If you like your $500 roll now, go for it. The future is now.

There's always a future - why the confusion :confused:
Kasi said:
If you like your $500 roll now, go for it. The future is now.

There's always a future - why the confusion :confused:
Well if you don't have any back up and you loose those 500$ you can't continue.The first sessions could be failure, even when you use Kelly Cri. you can still burn your entire bankroll before the percentages start working for you, right ?
That's why I don't believe there is a future if you start with bad sessions (and no back up in case you loose your entire bankroll).
You actually need a good cash to start...sounds impossible to start with 3 digit sum.


Well-Known Member
Rub said:
Well if you don't have any back up and you loose those 500$ you can't continue.The first sessions could be failure, even when you use Kelly Cri. you can still burn your entire bankroll before the percentages start working for you, right ?
That's why I don't believe there is a future if you start with bad sessions (and no back up in case you loose your entire bankroll).
You actually need a good cash to start...sounds impossible to start with 3 digit sum.
Find a $5min table, buy in for $200 and try your skills. If you last for 1/2 an hour or all day at least you will get some live play in to see where your weaknesses are.
Occasionally I play $50 HL, my first buy in is for $300. The PB knows me a bit too well, watches my play, and knows I'll put more money out when the times right. Sometimes that 300 becomes $2,500 in a few shoes so I take my chips and walk, there are times when I lost 10 hands in arow and called it quits for a while, while other times I have to go down 5g before coming back to even. Then at other times the inevitable happens and I left my session limit at the store. Dont cry over spilled milk, its all part of the game.

1) If your playing 6d or 8, forget that 1-3 spread you wrote in the first post, it won't work if your not wonging. Use a simple spread going out a min of 1-8, but 1-12 is better.
2) If you find yourself up 50-100 bucks on your 200 buy in, take a break. Unless your really disiplined you'll get cocky because your up a few bucks and end up giving it all back.

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all the time in the world

Originally Posted by Rub View Post
And if I don't have more than 500$ to start ?
Guess there is no future for any BJ career...
Kasi said:
If you like your $500 roll now, go for it. The future is now.

There's always a future - why the confusion :confused:
that's one of the most interesting statements about the future that i've heard.:) would tend to keep one from procrastinating i should imagine.
not sure how my ole English teacher would'a responded to that. she's probably pushing up daises by now any who. maybe you made her roll over in her grave. all that past, present, future tense stuff, who needs it. heck far as i know some languages might not even have a present tense. heck what did she know anyway about time, she wasn't a physicist and probably couldn't even wind a clock. she did tell my mother i'd never learn to read. but that definition of the future maybe my basketball coach woulda of agreed with.

i just know i started my heroic blackjack quest with half a grain of sense and $300 which turned into $7000 then fell to $6300. problem is it took about two years to do that and God only knows how much luck. problem is as far as a professional at that rate i'd of had to eat as slow as i won money. but then i'm to slow and cautious and probably eat too much. thank God i worked for 45 years, not sure how i'd of payed the bills and ate if not for that.

just curious Rub, are your dreams and aspirations with respect to blackjack completely pragmatic or just for recreation?


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Rub said:
And if I don't have more than 500$ to start ?
Guess there is no future for any BJ career...:confused:
Just back-count and spread like 5-25. Somewhat high risk of ruin, but you'll be able to grind out like $5 an hour until you figure out what you're doing.
I can't answer your question. :)

BJC: I would love to buy in for 200$ and try my skills, but I can't afford to loose them.When I have 1-2000 I will try...till then - kitchen table. :cool:

I also want to ask what are the chances for a shoe to become hot ?

Thank you all for the answers.
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