Just got slaughtered for 110 units, I want to cry :cry:


At times like this it is best to closely examine your play to assure it is just variance and not a flaw in what you are doing. Sometimes you can find a way to better your EV even if you are playing correctly.


Well-Known Member
same just happened to me. massive downswing, and on a trip. oh well, at least the trip was scenic. and there will always be the next trip. time to redo Kelly.


Well-Known Member
tthree said:
At times like this it is best to closely examine your play to assure it is just variance and not a flaw in what you are doing. Sometimes you can find a way to better your EV even if you are playing correctly.
Absolutely, first thing I did was practise and check over everything when I got home.

Sidenote: I was up 40 units when it started so I technically lost 150 units and that happened in just under an hour. Kiiillleerrrrrrr


Well-Known Member
PierceNation said:
Absolutely, first thing I did was practise and check over everything when I got home.

Sidenote: I was up 40 units when it started so I technically lost 150 units and that Sohappened in just under an hour. Kiiillleerrrrrrr

So these units you lost, technically or not, where did they come from?? Either they came from a hard earned BR from the civilian side or from ??????:cool2::cool2:
Yeah I thought so, now get back on that bull and try hanging on for another 8 seconds!!!



Well-Known Member
Friendo said:
On the simulator and at the tables I have seen downswings of 30 to 35 maximum bets in 8-10 hours of play.
This is good advice. Be prepared mentally and financially to drop 30-35 max bets in 1-2 session. Just the other day I was playing with another counter who was not prepared and busted out mid-shoe at True 6. Dont let this happen. My worst hit was 16 max bets in about 6 hours - it stung - but I got it all back (plus interest) in the next 12 hours.


Well-Known Member
Jeff25 said:
Just the other day I was playing with another counter who was not prepared and busted out mid-shoe at True 6. Dont let this happen.
Been there, done that......unfortunately. Worst feeling in the world is busting out in middle of a huge count. Won't ever let that happen again. I take way more than enough cash with me to ride that big swing since then.


Active Member
If you bet the money you have on the table, then realize you can double up. Can you get money out of your pocket or does it have to be on the table?


Well-Known Member
Gambler23 said:
If you bet the money you have on the table, then realize you can double up. Can you get money out of your pocket or does it have to be on the table?
Not sure if this is directed at my post or not but when I say "I went bust" I mean that I had nothing left in my pocket but lint. It was actually one of the only times I went to the ATM (I sprinted there actually) at the casino and by the time I got back to the table the shoe was gone.


Well-Known Member
Gambler23 said:
If you bet the money you have on the table, then realize you can double up. Can you get money out of your pocket or does it have to be on the table?
Huh? Do you have any real life experience?
you can take out wherever is your pocket.


Well-Known Member

110 units? Looking at my play log, I have won or lost 110 units or more 61% of the time.

If you can't handle this extremely normal, expected fluctuation, maybe you shouldn't be playing right now?


Well-Known Member
15% of the time I have won or lost 300+ units in a single session.

Try handing that. 110 units is normal.


Well-Known Member
Things I have said =
Dissapointed with such a loss in such a short amount of time.

Things I havent said =
1. Dont understand why it happened.
2. Cant take it
3. Cant afford It


Whats the worst swing you guys have taken?

Oh and in response to a earlier reply, my worst loss is 12 hands in a row.


Well-Known Member
Lowrider said:
15% of the time I have won or lost 300+ units in a single session.
Wow! I am having a hard time relating to that number, 15%, Lowrider. Better than 1 in every 7 of your sessions ends with a win or loss of 300 units or more? :confused: My number is much lower than that. I play very short session so I would expect that would reduce the number of large swing sessions. Do you play very long sessions? Or use a large spread? I can see how spreading 1-40 would create more big win and loss sessions or how someone that sits down and plays for hours at a time would have more larger swing sessions.

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
no offense

PierceNation said:

What's the worst swing you guys have taken?

I need a drink...
Seems you are having a hard time with the loss.
Responses are not just aimed at you.

Probably many know their EV but few know their drawdown risk. Seems the drawdown risk is more important to know.