I for one am hoping cancer spares someone. RIP from a fellow disease sufferer. He was a visionary genius.ms069279 said:I just got the NY TIMES Alert! This is the end of an era. It just goes to show you that Cancer spares noone.
RIP, you'll be missed!
Jobs wasn't a cancer victim - he was a victim of "modern medicine". zgtthree said:I for one am hoping cancer spares someone. RIP from a fellow disease sufferer. He was a visionary genius.
Brother Aslan says that we all shall rise again. z:angel:gpeaegg said:Not to disrespect of anyone. Jason has messed up my mind.
See Mike Adams commentary about Jobs health in 2009 --zengrifter said:Jobs wasn't a cancer victim - he was a victim of "modern medicine". zg
If you did, don't use that source anymore.Lonesome Gambler said:Didn't I read recently that Apple now holds more assets than the US?
That was as we were headed towards our most recent potential government shutdown (debt ceiling stuff). And it wasn't total assets, it was more cash on hand. I saw that story too, but I never tried to fact-check it. If we were that close to shutting down, it was probably accurate, moreso because the government lacked cash than because Apple had it.Lonesome Gambler said:Didn't I read recently that Apple now holds more assets than the US?
http://www.cnn.com/2011/TECH/innovation/07/29/apple.cash.government/index.html?_s=PM:TECHLonesome Gambler said:Didn't I read recently that Apple now holds more assets than the US?
Ha, I had just copied the same link to my clipboard in order to show what I was referring to. I'm far from an economist, and I worded my original post poorly, but you get the gist.Wookets said:
Prostate cancer is usually not treated because it grows so slowly. I am not sure what Jobs did but typically you are advised the cure is worse than the disease when it is Prostate Cancer.zengrifter said:Steve Jobs underwent multiple conventional cancer treatments, including surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
In the end, however, even Steve Jobs could not overturn the laws of biochemistry. When you poison the human body, the result is the deterioration and eventual shut down of the body. Chemotherapy does not work! This fact should now be obvious, and yet every year, more and more people choose chemotherapy to their own demise -- people like Farrah Fawcett, Peter Jennings, Patrick Swayze, Michael Douglas and many others.
Don't they see that conventional cancer treatments do not work?
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/033793_Steve_Jobs_chemotherapy.html#ixzz1Zz5VXgkx
Shame on you LG............wording a post poorly!!!!!!:whip::whip: To much time at the tables and not enough time using your edumacation??Lonesome Gambler said:Ha, I had just copied the same link to my clipboard in order to show what I was referring to. I'm far from an economist, and I worded my original post poorly, but you get the gist.