Keep this one quiet.

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Well-Known Member
takinfromindians97 said:
I never thought that anyone on this site would really get to this level. This will absoultly not work whatsoever....
Really. I can't either. This guy is achieving the impossible and giving Voodoo a bad rep :grin:

I formally object.

You can't post this crap in the "Scientific Voodoo" section.

We clearly need a "Beyond Voodoo" section.

My favorite, one of them anyway, - increasing all of a dealer's 17,18,19,20,21,BJ, bust, averages by 55% in a shoe.

When that happens in this universe, wait for it now, be patient, the correction no doubt will be enormous, so be sure to bet extra extra heavy on the 2nd or even 3rd shoe after it.

It's a lock you'll never lose a dime.


New Member
voodoo dealer bust scheme

We know, we know, only card counting wins, or does it?(remember even the MIT boys and girls lost in the end-bad luck they said). Remember this is a voodoo section so you will be much happier with your winning counting friends? Perhaps the following will help you counters reconcile this: Just perhaps when the dealer busts we are in a favorable winning trend in addition to a favorable count trend. Afterall the dealer is supposed to bust more often when the count is favorable. It is working very well with my DD increase bet on dealer bust scheme thusfar, perhaps it will correct itself and start losing, and then again...


Well-Known Member
Stash the cash, Ben

standard toaster said:
heres my voodoo system that seems to be similar to yours i have made almost 200k in the last 5 days with it lets see a card counter do that!

I watch the deck for a while and count the number of red cards that come out. If in the first three hands the dealer has had >50% red cards (the color of the devil) i will not play with this individual again. If a dealer is mostly black i will sit down and put out a max but through the entire shoe. This is beyond any math and i wish the counters would get some faith and just go on luck, superstition and obvious signs to make their money. What a waste of time counting and gaining a scrawny 3% (at most) "advantage." Counters are a weird lot they never listen to us in the voodoo section because they think there way is the only way that will work in the long run. If you look at my strategy you can see it is based on a being greater than us and as long as i respect him he will do good onto me.

btw ill take a pizza too
Standard Toast, I think you have been done to a crisp! Frankly, I've never heard such a load of crap in my life, out of church. That is totally nutty stuff mate, which is why I liked it, but only because it reminded me of someone else's equally nutty system where you are supposed to listen and sniff the air, and the minute you either hear a belch or smell a fart you bet the max.
Your post has far too much superstition for me, although it is mixed with undeniable math and wisdom, most of which is between the lines.
'Scrawny 3% advantage' right on brother! Some deluded ones have reckoned that 0.5% or even a whopping 1% advantage will be good enough for them!
Wow, now THAT is impressive stuff. A whole 0.5% should pay for 3 weeks in Rio from next week!

My 'system' has now been released here for a while and the vast number of Wise Ones who took my advice to try it, are now laughing all the way to the cage. (of course they knew how to play perfect BS and flat bet.)
They should be reporting in due course, (and showering me with lazy 20's.) Meanwhile you other small gang of unbelievers, keep cool. As Macca pointed out, you are in Voodooland here; not the MIT math class. (I bet some of you guys are as dumb as Ben and stash your cash above your bed!)


Well-Known Member
Wrong page

Kasi said:
Really. I can't either. This guy is achieving the impossible and giving Voodoo a bad rep :grin:

I formally object.

You can't post this crap in the "Scientific Voodoo" section.

We clearly need a "Beyond Voodoo" section.

My favorite, one of them anyway, - increasing all of a dealer's 17,18,19,20,21,BJ, bust, averages by 55% in a shoe.

When that happens in this universe, wait for it now, be patient, the correction no doubt will be enormous, so be sure to bet extra extra heavy on the 2nd or even 3rd shoe after it.

It's a lock you'll never lose a dime.
Kasi, What are you bleating about brother? Look up the top of the page. It says you are in: "Voodoo Betting Strategies." Now you want a 'Beyond Voodoo' section, where you think you may be safe ideas. Perhaps all those who read 'Beyond Counting' might wind up there? You say you are formally objecting. Yeah, right. Me too. I'll think of something...

And who said this is the 'Scientific Voodoo" section? You are clearly on the wrong page mate.


New Member
Just because the dealer busts does not mean you are winning your hands. Ive had countless times where i would get a stiff against a 7-10, hit my hand and bust just to have the dealer turn around and bust as well. If i'm getting hammered with bust hands there is no way i am going to increase my bets if i'm not winning when the dealer is busting.

I'm thinking this system is about as foolish as Davidmcclunghole's no regression system he posted a while back. I actually tried his system at my local casino exactly as he explained it and i lost my money so fast it made my head spin.

Hey David good job shilling for the casinos, they really need it right now.


Well-Known Member
On the level

takinfromindians97 said:
I never thought that anyone on this site would really get to this level. This will absoultly not work whatsoever. So your telling me that if the dealer busts the first 3 hands that i will have almost an 80% chance of walking out of there with money. Let me play devils advocate here, what of he kicks me in the pants the next say 15 or 20 hands? What happens to your system then. I know that you cant possibly think that the first 3 hands can determine the outcome of 416 cards. Lets say there are five people at the table and even though on average 1 person uses about 2.5 to 2.7 cards per hand. SO to be safe ill even say 3 cards, so 5x3=15 cards each round now
15x3=45 cards used in the first 3 hands now add another 9 for the dealer and we have 54 cards used up in 3 hands that leaves 364 that is more then a 6 deck shoe. So then obviously unless this doesnt work on a 6 deck shoe the out come can again be affected. Obviously if it makes a difference in a 6 deck shoe it should make a difference still after 3 hands of an 8 deck shoe. This didnt really come out how i want it to but im sure you guys all get the main point which is, THERE IS NO WAY THIS IF FEASIBLE. Nice try buddy but none of these schemes work i never understand why people try this ****, card counting has been around forever you dont think there was someone who tried and failed with all these voodoo schemes. I think you should stop wasting time being lazy and trying to find a quick way to money and start practicing a more difficult count or shuffle tracking, something that we all know has proven itself throughout the tests of time. Sorry if i sound mean in this but its time someone put a stop to this nonsense.
Another mouthful, like Slei...Yeah buddy, you got a point there. And I'm glad you brought it up. (About having your pants kicked 20 hands in a row.)
Here's the lowdown. There will be only around 5% of shoes that you play all the way through the shoe with this system that will be ornery. That makes you a 20/1 hot fave! 95% of the other orneries will have been deleted, (not played by you.) How come? Because no dealer busts, first three rounds meant that you walked.
Thanks for your advice, Takin, but I ain't the lazy type. How d'ya think I came to these stunning conclusions presented here freely for your exclusive unappreciative benefit? How long do you figure that took? I give you a clue. It felt like 500 years!

And you never thought anyone would get to this level on this site. Why, thank you!


Well-Known Member
Katweezel said:
How d'ya think I came to these stunning conclusions presented here freely for your exclusive unappreciative benefit?
I'd love to know. Can you tell us exactly how you arrived at these "stunning conclusions"? You give some pretty specific numbers but you don't give any background for them. Can you tell us more about your research, methodology and conclusions? Any relevant information would be greatly appreciated. It might even stifle some of the criticism.



Well-Known Member
What stunning conclusions? Oh, those...

Sonny said:
I'd love to know. Can you tell us exactly how you arrived at these "stunning conclusions"? You give some pretty specific numbers but you don't give any background for them. Can you tell us more about your research, methodology and conclusions? Any relevant information would be greatly appreciated. It might even stifle some of the criticism.

Sonny, Now how could I possibly NOT respond to such a 'nice' question from you, asked in such a civilized and courteous manner. If only all those other serious doubters down here would behave in such a way as your fine example of how to ask something of a ...presenter of new...information. I will need to consult the Formal Final Analysis of my many notebooks first, which should only take...errr, a while.

I promise, here and now, to reveal more; even though what's left of my integrity will be in great danger, judging by the less-than-conciliatory tone of some lurking negative-commentators down here. But first, I feel compelled to make this post I call, "The 5 Mulemen."


New Member
What kind of games are we talking about here? double deck? 6 deck ?8 deck? I fail to see how the dealer busting on one of the first 3 hands has anything to do with having a winning experiece for that particular shoe. Ive seen shoes where I won almost every hand and the guy right next to me was on the other end of the spectrum losing almost all of their's and vice versa. Each spot at the table has a different outcome no matter what the dealer busts are plain and simple.


New Member

Dalexis: you are banned from playing any new scheme as you are too negative for me, and probably just unlucky. Some people just have miserable luck and lose no matter what scheme or what game they are playing. Stick to your own scheme you say you win with. The results on my prior No Retreat scheme to date have been 56 sessions completed for NET WIN of $3600, 10 losses and 46 wins. Now the last 10 sessions did have a net loss of $800 with the No Retreat, so that was why I changed to this Dealer Bust scheme(double deck and upping my bet by one unit after each dealer bust). The No Retreat was a net winner averaging about a $60 net win per session, not too shabby I would say and it beat the casino, without counting, over many many hrs and 56 sessions. To determine if a scheme has merit would have to play it at least 50 sessions and preferably 100 plus sessions.


Well-Known Member
Plain and simple

dalexis said:
What kind of games are we talking about here? double deck? 6 deck ?8 deck? I fail to see how the dealer busting on one of the first 3 hands has anything to do with having a winning experiece for that particular shoe. Ive seen shoes where I won almost every hand and the guy right next to me was on the other end of the spectrum losing almost all of their's and vice versa. Each spot at the table has a different outcome no matter what the dealer busts are plain and simple.
At last, a short name! G'day Alex, what brought you? It's obvious by your question you turned up without reading much of what already happened on this thread. Not that there is anything wrong with that! Now what you say seems plain, simple and right enough at first glance, and I'm sure many of us have also seen what you describe. However, dealer busts are never 'plain and simple' in my book. They are magnificent and a gift from the gods! All 28.20% of them. Did you ever notice how BIG that figure is?

Let me ask you this: Do you ever count how many times the dealer busts each shoe you play, record it, compare and analyse it? If not, why not?


Well-Known Member
Katweezel said:
Do you ever count how many times the dealer busts each shoe you play, record it, compare and analyse it? If not, why not?
I propose the opposite question: What for?



New Member
I dont have miserable luck i just have a reasonable expectation about whats going to happen if someone plays one of your "casino shill" losing betting schemes.

Kenneth Purdy presents a much better approach to dealer busts in his book Naked Blackjack. At least he uses a bit of common sense is his approach.

standard toaster

Well-Known Member
dalexis said:
What kind of games are we talking about here? double deck? 6 deck ?8 deck? I fail to see how the dealer busting on one of the first 3 hands has anything to do with having a winning experiece for that particular shoe. Ive seen shoes where I won almost every hand and the guy right next to me was on the other end of the spectrum losing almost all of their's and vice versa. Each spot at the table has a different outcome no matter what the dealer busts are plain and simple.
the outcome of the first three hands has nothign to do with anything. the system is useless no matter what game it is. Dont try and wrap your mind around it because there is no logic behind it

standard toaster

Well-Known Member
Katweezel said:
Standard Toast, I think you have been done to a crisp! Frankly, I've never heard such a load of crap in my life, out of church. That is totally nutty stuff mate, which is why I liked it, but only because it reminded me of someone else's equally nutty system where you are supposed to listen and sniff the air, and the minute you either hear a belch or smell a fart you bet the max.
Your post has far too much superstition for me, although it is mixed with undeniable math and wisdom, most of which is between the lines.
'Scrawny 3% advantage' right on brother! Some deluded ones have reckoned that 0.5% or even a whopping 1% advantage will be good enough for them!
Wow, now THAT is impressive stuff. A whole 0.5% should pay for 3 weeks in Rio from next week!

My 'system' has now been released here for a while and the vast number of Wise Ones who took my advice to try it, are now laughing all the way to the cage. (of course they knew how to play perfect BS and flat bet.)
They should be reporting in due course, (and showering me with lazy 20's.) Meanwhile you other small gang of unbelievers, keep cool. As Macca pointed out, you are in Voodooland here; not the MIT math class. (I bet some of you guys are as dumb as Ben and stash your cash above your bed!)

it was meant to be sarcastic. The sad part is that that bs system i made up on the spot will yeild results the same as yours if not better because i would be sitting out more shoes and not losing to the house advantage. It was meant to show how this system has no benifit whatsoever

Slick Vic

Active Member
Alright, I'm curious about a few things about this system.

Quoting directly from your first post:

Katweezel said:
Now here comes the crunch. (Keep this quiet, as we don't want to alert all those doofus pitcritters out there.) If the dealer busts once in her first three hands - that is a sign from heaven just for you. You can expect to wind up ahead (flat betting perfect BS) around 70% of shoes that begin like that. Even better for two dealer busts, first three rounds. Even better for 3. (The 70% goes up to near 80%.)
1. Why will I end up ahead 70% of the time if the dealer busts at least once at the beginning of the shoe? And why does the percentage go up to near 80% if he busts 3 times?

2. What if I bust as well as the dealer in any of these first 3 hands, playing perfect basic strategy? Will this affect my 70%?

3. Should I still leave the table if I've won the first 3 hands, assuming the dealer didn't bust on any of them? In other words, does the dealer actually have to bust, or do I merely have to beat his hand?

4. If I don't play perfect BS, will this affect my percentage? Do the other players at the table have to play perfect BS as well?


Well-Known Member
Opposite borders

Sonny said:
I propose the opposite question: What for?

This thread is starting to hot up a bit. It should reach its zenith soon; probably about noon. Your opposite question proposed is a loaded shotgun Sonny, pointed right at my...hand. So why should anyone ever bother counting dealer bust totals for each shoe, let alone recording, comparing and analysing them. I personally spent many, many, much time doing just that. Even though I never read anywhere or heard of any such action as being beneficial for card counters, I undertook that. Why? To fully answer, I need to go back in time.

Now, I'd better be very careful with this... I read those Gamblers' Fallacy threads you mentioned. Did I get it? Yep. I'm sure you'll see exactly that reflected somewhere in my reply. I hope.

At more than one point in my card counting career, I hit a reef in the rapids, but this particular one seemed to last longer than two weeks. Variance ruled, dealer 21's off stiffs seemed to be in epidemic proportions, often pipping my 20 (doubled) on the post. Splits and doubles' success seemed like they were deliberately avoiding me; and much of this was happening when - according to Don, (whose math I have great respect for) - the count favored me.

I even called my card counting instructor and he said words like: "Yeah, so what? Like I taught you. That's blackjack. You gotta expect that kinda stuff. I had something like that a few times. One went on for months! Get over it mate. Hang in there, you will eventually come out the other side."

Right. But I was getting over it. The whole card counting grind was beginning to get on my goat. (Old saying here.) This bleak period was beginning to activate things in my neurons. This thought occurred to me: "Surely there's another way!"

My conscious mind chirped up with: "Course there isn't you idiot! It's all been done before by people much smarter than you, dickhead! You wanna try the impossible, huh?"

I took a breather for 2 months, with my 8 decks, some pens and...notebooks and headed for a quiet, peaceful location where I could look at...card stuff. Those two months turned into...many. Bottom line was my cc career benefited because I uncovered certain things that I learned to implement accurately.

Now you turn up with your opposite question and expect to get my hard-won ... 'certain things.' Many of these certain things run in the direct opposite of established thought, such as: basic strategy. Everyone knows what BS says. My view is that BS is great, for basic beginners. But for a card counter who is aiming at a paltry 0.5% profit on turnover, (that was me) I needed more than a half% now, in order to have to put up with all the aggravation involved. So BS was just one thing I 'tinkered' with. Dealer busts was another. I have more.

I will continue this soon, as promised, as it's getting long-winded. Unless, of course, you tell me to shut the f... up!

standard toaster

Well-Known Member
Katweezel said:
This thread is starting to hot up a bit. It should reach its zenith soon; probably about noon. Your opposite question proposed is a loaded shotgun Sonny, pointed right at my...hand. So why should anyone ever bother counting dealer bust totals for each shoe, let alone recording, comparing and analysing them. I personally spent many, many, much time doing just that. Even though I never read anywhere or heard of any such action as being beneficial for card counters, I undertook that. Why? To fully answer, I need to go back in time.

Now, I'd better be very careful with this... I read those Gamblers' Fallacy threads you mentioned. Did I get it? Yep. I'm sure you'll see exactly that reflected somewhere in my reply. I hope.

At more than one point in my card counting career, I hit a reef in the rapids, but this particular one seemed to last longer than two weeks. Variance ruled, dealer 21's off stiffs seemed to be in epidemic proportions, often pipping my 20 (doubled) on the post. Splits and doubles' success seemed like they were deliberately avoiding me; and much of this was happening when - according to Don, (whose math I have great respect for) - the count favored me.

I even called my card counting instructor and he said words like: "Yeah, so what? Like I taught you. That's blackjack. You gotta expect that kinda stuff. I had something like that a few times. One went on for months! Get over it mate. Hang in there, you will eventually come out the other side."

Right. But I was getting over it. The whole card counting grind was beginning to get on my goat. (Old saying here.) This bleak period was beginning to activate things in my neurons. This thought occurred to me: "Surely there's another way!"

My conscious mind chirped up with: "Course there isn't you idiot! It's all been done before by people much smarter than you, dickhead! You wanna try the impossible, huh?"

I took a breather for 2 months, with my 8 decks, some pens and...notebooks and headed for a quiet, peaceful location where I could look at...card stuff. Those two months turned into...many. Bottom line was my cc career benefited because I uncovered certain things that I learned to implement accurately.

Now you turn up with your opposite question and expect to get my hard-won ... 'certain things.' Many of these certain things run in the direct opposite of established thought, such as: basic strategy. Everyone knows what BS says. My view is that BS is great, for basic beginners. But for a card counter who is aiming at a paltry 0.5% profit on turnover, (that was me) I needed more than a half% now, in order to have to put up with all the aggravation involved. So BS was just one thing I 'tinkered' with. Dealer busts was another. I have more.

I will continue this soon, as promised, as it's getting long-winded. Unless, of course, you tell me to shut the f... up!
i still dont see an answer....


Well-Known Member
Dumb and Dumber

Slick Vic said:
Alright, I'm curious about a few things about this system.

Quoting directly from your first post:

1. Why will I end up ahead 70% of the time if the dealer busts at least once at the beginning of the shoe? And why does the percentage go up to near 80% if he busts 3 times?

2. What if I bust as well as the dealer in any of these first 3 hands, playing perfect basic strategy? Will this affect my 70%?

3. Should I still leave the table if I've won the first 3 hands, assuming the dealer didn't bust on any of them? In other words, does the dealer actually have to bust, or do I merely have to beat his hand?

4. If I don't play perfect BS, will this affect my percentage? Do the other players at the table have to play perfect BS as well?
Another one who knows how to ask stuff nicely. Hi Slick, your name is a winner mate! And you have a positive mindset and an ordered mind, which means you are already half way there in whatever you begin. (In contrast to... errr, you know who you are - about positive mindsets.)

My answers:
1 That's two Q's in one! Are you now unordered? a) If you played perfect BS and flat-betted correctly, taking every split and double, including 11 V A where allowed, Yes.
b) Because in this case, the dealer is highly likely to score maybe even as much as DOUBLE her normal average of 28.20% busts, and a canny player and thinker such as you, would be enjoying the bonanza of a 'dealer dumper' and even dare to get out some larger-than-flat bets. In the rounds where she does NOT bust, lucky you, the pendulum is severely swinging in your favor in play where you seem to be uncannily 'lucky.'

2 a) Yep, the dealer hand bust RULES and overrides your puny hand bust.
b) Nope.

3. One factor rules: If you do not spot at least ONE dealer bust in the first 3 rounds, walk now, and watch. All else is irrelevant.

4 a) Yep, negatively, (unless, of course, you are me, who is a notorious tinker-with-BS.)
b) Nope, evens out in the end. Even if Dumb is sitting next to you and Dumber is on the other side. (That would be fun!)

standard toaster

Well-Known Member
Katweezel said:
Another one who knows how to ask stuff nicely. Hi Slick, your name is a winner mate! And you have a positive mindset and an ordered mind, which means you are already half way there in whatever you begin. (In contrast to... errr, you know who you are - about positive mindsets.)

My answers:
1 That's two Q's in one! Are you now unordered? a) If you played perfect BS and flat-betted correctly, taking every split and double, including 11 V A where allowed, Yes.
b) Because in this case, the dealer is highly likely to score maybe even as much as DOUBLE her normal average of 28.20% busts, and a canny player and thinker such as you, would be enjoying the bonanza of a 'dealer dumper' and even dare to get out some larger-than-flat bets. In the rounds where she does NOT bust, lucky you, the pendulum is severely swinging in your favor in play where you seem to be uncannily 'lucky.'

2 a) Yep, the dealer hand bust RULES and overrides your puny hand bust.
b) Nope.

3. One factor rules: If you do not spot at least ONE dealer bust in the first 3 rounds, walk now, and watch. All else is irrelevant.

4 a) Yep, negatively, (unless, of course, you are me, who is a notorious tinker-with-BS.)
b) Nope, evens out in the end. Even if Dumb is sitting next to you and Dumber is on the other side. (That would be fun!)

i dont understand why someone like you wouldent go for my proven 100% correct voodoo strategy?

"I watch the deck for a while and count the number of red cards that come out. If in the first three hands the dealer has had >50% red cards (the color of the devil) i will not play with this individual again. If a dealer is mostly black i will sit down and put out a max but through the entire shoe. This is beyond any math and i wish the counters would get some faith and just go on luck, superstition and obvious signs to make their money. What a waste of time counting and gaining a scrawny 3% (at most) "advantage." Counters are a weird lot they never listen to us in the voodoo section because they think there way is the only way that will work in the long run. If you look at my strategy you can see it is based on a being greater than us and as long as i respect him he will do good onto me."

what makes yours better than mine? Ive tried both ways and for some reason i always end up with the exact same results. As a matter of fact it is no different than when i play every shoe with bs.... i dont understand can you answer this asap? thanks
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