Killing a whale


Well-Known Member
I was in Vegas this past weekend and ran into one of the dumbest pits I've yet to see. I had been playing a game when an older gentleman who I had played with at another casino saw me and came up to join the table. He was a really nice guy who had loads of money. He had been playing for about an hour at an average of $1000 per hand playing 1 to 4 hands at a time. He was an awful player and would do things like split 5's and 6's vs 10's and never would hit his stiff hands.

He had already lost several thousand and then came one of the genius pit to the rescue. The guy skipped his first hand and started looking at the second. I think he forgot he even had that many hands out at the moment and went back to look at his first hand. Immediately one of the pit rushed up to the table and in a very pissy tone told him he couldn't play that first hand, he had already looked at the second hand and now he had to stay. The guy couldn't hear all that well and was kind of confused and wanted to play his first hand. Then several other of the crew popped out of nowhere swarming around the table telling the guy he can't play that hand backing up the first idiot. The guy then throws his cards out, pulls all his money back including his 4 hands with several thousand out there and tells them he's leaving and never coming back. He had actually made plans with the host earlier to switch to make this his base casino and store all his money at instead of the casino down the street.

From my conversations with the guy it sounds like he probably blows $50k+ a year at casinos. I'm still amazed at the difference in pit intelligence. These guys just screwed themselves out of extremely easy money. Meanwhile, a few friends and I were able to play without the slightest bit of heat all day long with no cover and a huge spread.

Casinos could really do themselves a favor and try to hire a little better. I know these guys have other duties than just watching the table but seriously they should give more training or hire an AP to run the pit. They should have given the guy whatever he wanted and let him play however he wanted. Hell if the guy wanted to change the table rules they should of let him as he probably would of just made it worse on himself.

After seeing some other post about dumb crews I just had to post this. I'm still surprisingly shocked at how this all went down several days later.


Well-Known Member
The other post had possible explanations that were not understood by the OP. This one truly is a "dumb pit crew" story. :laugh:
They sweat all big action. I think it is, at least subconsciously, a personal/political thing on the part of the pit crews: "How come this rich guy gets to bet all this money while I have trouble making my car payments? I'm going to make his life miserable just like mine!"

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
Devil' advocate here

This rule is in force to prevent cheating. Even though he is a known sucker they have to enforce it, especially if it was a corporate-type casino. The pit would probably get in more trouble for allowing the player to look at his second hand first than for chasing off a huge amount of action. :rolleyes:

suicyco maniac

Well-Known Member
If this guy is really betting 4x$1,000 and playing as poorly as you describe he is probably dumping 50K a weekend and tons more in a year.


Well-Known Member
This is a situation where if you're the pit you call the shift manager over and have him make the call. That way it's not on you.


Well-Known Member
pit15 said:
This is a situation where if you're the pit you call the shift manager over and have him make the call. That way it's not on you.
Probably their rule is the shift manager can't make this decision either :laugh:


Well-Known Member
Gamblor said:
Probably their rule is the shift manager can't make this decision either :laugh:
Yeah, but if you're the PC, you get the shift manager to piss off the high roller. That way it's not on you when the guy complains.