Knight Rider Las Vegas episode


Well-Known Member
Anybody watch this? So many inaccuracies regarding BJ in this episode. First, does anyone know of any casino that allows you to bet cash on your spot instead of chips? Here's the lamest line. "I came here to count cards but I chickened out" Who the heck chickens out when it comes to counting cards?? Then when Billy starts actually "counting" later in the episode, he bets the rest of his money which was half of the $100,000 he used to gamble with. Anyone with half a brain who was counting would never have half of their bankroll out on a bet. Not only that, he must be a terrible counter because the odds of him pulling a 4 card 16 and then ultimately a 21 when the count was good are extremely slim. I have to wonder if the casino industry was involved at all in making this episode!


Well-Known Member
Thunder said:
First, does anyone know of any casino that allows you to bet cash on your spot instead of chips?
Up until several months ago I believe they all did. Not necessarily for high stakes, but you could hear "money plays" calls in just about any casino in Vegas back then.

It does sound like the episode was pretty ridiculous though. It’s bad enough to get a 4 card 16 in a high count, but to keep hitting it? And with all of your money on the table?! That ain't counting. :laugh:



Well-Known Member
I would have been surprised only if they got it right

The people who made those history channel specials and the people who make movies like 21 are putting out a show that is only or mainly about blackjack and they never get it right, so why should a show that just happens to have part of an episode that touches blackjack counting get anything right.
Anyway, the less the public knows and understands about how the game works, the better it is for those who do understand.



Well-Known Member
If you missed it or didn't Tivo it, you can probably see it on NBC's website tomorrow for a good laugh.

Jeff Dubya

Well-Known Member
Thunder said:
First, does anyone know of any casino that allows you to bet cash on your spot instead of chips?
You can't do this anymore? I have done this many times in Las Vegas, at the Bellagio specifically...

Jeff Dubya

Well-Known Member
Hm. Well, it's never been legal in Washington where I live...

That's too bad. I always felt a little old school when I did that, just kind of a fun, nostalgic thing to do. I guess in the larger scheme of things it doesn't really matter.

Now the ID thing in the same thread you pointed me to gives me pause...

Why don't certain groups (the same ones that railed about the Patriot Act) go crazy about this? To me, this issue is a lot more important and a much bigger abuse of my privacy.

Achtung! Ve need yoh paperz!


Well-Known Member
Thunder said:
Anyone with half a brain who was counting would never have half of their bankroll out on a bet.
Well, what if the true count were +100? :)

Sonny said:
No more money plays. :(
:( indeed! Money play was my favorite way to Wong, as there was absolutely nothing tying me to the table.


Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
The change took affect 7/1/07... -Sonny-
Guess a little off topiic here but...

I sort of skimmed that link but what I was wondering whether there was any consensus that that change actually REQUIRES casinos to ask for ID at a $3K buy-in? At least a lump-sum buyin anyway?

Like sometimes it sounds like people think they don't have the right to even ask and sometimes it seems like they must ask?

Just wondered - nothing I have to worry about lol.


Well-Known Member
Yep, pretty much any show or movie with counting in it is a waste of time. That's because they try to portray it as "exciting" when in reality counting is a grind. Even the ones with real pros in it like the BBC special try to be overly dramatic.

The only good blackjack video I've seen is Andy Bloch's, which can be a real tool to help someone learn. There was a bit to much about team play for my tastes, but overall it is informative as well as entertaining.