Well-Known Member
Just got an email from the Las Vegas Advisor website, whose coupon book I have bought the last few years. For 2010 they have ZERO, count 'em ZERO blackjack matchplays. However, they have a nifty $7.77 per night deal at the Las Vegas Homeless Shelter, er, I mean the "Gold Spike."
Cross another one off the list. I don't go to Las Vegas to take a painting class. I go to gamble. This book is pretty much worthless for that this year. Interesting, because the American Casino Guide's 2010 book is much better on the table play front than it has been the last couple of years.
Cross another one off the list. I don't go to Las Vegas to take a painting class. I go to gamble. This book is pretty much worthless for that this year. Interesting, because the American Casino Guide's 2010 book is much better on the table play front than it has been the last couple of years.