Last Night was CRAZY

Was at a casino here in Ontario last night, started playing, in the first hour I was up 2k. I stopped with $2300 in profits, and had a nice comp meal. I was about to leave then I saw a table open ans thought what the hell, I'll play a little more... I know what your thinking, you should have stopped there. But I couldn't LOL. Long story short I walked out of the smokey casino with $8675 in pure profit. yeppppie


Well-Known Member
Dealerhastoomany said:
Was at a casino here in Ontario last night, started playing, in the first hour I was up 2k. I stopped with $2300 in profits, and had a nice comp meal. I was about to leave then I saw a table open ans thought what the hell, I'll play a little more... I know what your thinking, you should have stopped there. But I couldn't LOL. Long story short I walked out of the smokey casino with $8675 in pure profit. yeppppie

Tell me, what was your mindset after you sat down. What was your stop loss going to be? Do you think you would have been willing to lose it all? Depending on your answers, I'd be worried with your quote of: But I couldn't LOL. I know plenty of guys, who when they get ahead a few bucks, continue to play until they lose it all.


Well-Known Member
Dang...send some of that down this way! I'm looking to survive a $200 trip this coming weekend <LOL>
It wasn't money I needed for food/house/car, it was part of my bank-roll. I have never sat down and lost my whole earnings. I set myself. If I lose one thrid of my roll I leave.

I start betting 25 a hand, then as I get up and the count gets good I go higher depending on the true count.


Well-Known Member
Wipe Out


Well sir....I'm ready to take you up on my offer now <LOL> (see post about 5 up from this one)

:violin:I hit the casino and within an hour, was down 3/4 of my $200 bankroll! I've been around the world 3 times, been to 7 County Fairs and 4 hog killin's and I ain't never seen a table that hot...FOR the CASINO! I can count on one hand easily the number of times I won 2 in a row. I cannot count on 1 hand the number of dealer runs that exceeded 6 wins in a row! I pulled out more money and went to another casino and it was like the Blackjack gods followed me and took all their frustrations out on me!

I have never played a casino game other than Blackjack and some Video Poker but it was so bad that after losing $5 in nickel JOB (and that after getting my butt kicked at BJ), I actually tried playing Craps! Had to have the dealer tell me what the odds bets were. I mimicked another player in betting place on 6 and 8 and had a lot of fun at it. Actually, because of the run of the BJ tables, I had more fun at Craps and only lost $35 learning the game <LOL>

With all that happened, I'm quite confident that I'm "due" for quite a winning streak now! :whip: