Lecture Scene


Well-Known Member
KenSmith said:
Yes, I'm talking about DOND. And it is quite possible that the only +EV offers are at the end.
tonight, this guy got it down to where he had circa $616,000.00 in his pocket with three cases to go. two cases had a million and the other case $1.
so he goes for it.
ended up picking a million dollar case.
so he is now offered circa $416,000.00 with two cases to go, one had a million and the other $1 .

so this guy says no deal and decides to keep his case. (should never have took the gamble, i say but he did so shoudn't he have switched?:confused:)
well anyway of course he ends up with the $1 case.

so anyway to me he basically paid the show $416,000.00 for the honor of a coin flip to see if he ended up with $1 or a million dollars. geesh:joker::whip: