Level 2 counts...help!


Well-Known Member
I'm right handed, and after living with my left-handed wife for 23 years, have stopped trying to figure out how-or even WHY-she does certain things in an (obviously!!!) backwards way!:laugh: I actually asked her this question, and her response was: "I see them scattered all over"...I just do NOT understand how she thinks!

I wonder: on a number line, it would read from right to left with the negs on the right. I guess I make the assumption that this is why I see numbers this way. The line I understand-I read in a line, I spend a lot of time playing music-in a line, the piano keyboard is laid out in a line, etc. etc.

At least this is how I see it. The rest of you guys must be nuts!:grin:


Well-Known Member
jack said:
Im left handed as well but never dreamed of visualizing it in a vertical image. Its also just as unorthodox for me to see the negatives on the right.

From a lefty to a lefty, do you:

1 shoot pool left or right handed l or R

2 write L or R

3 throw L or R

4 punch (jab rh) L or R

5 Riffle, left shoulder or right shoulder

6 Bow(archer) draw left or right

7 Jump left foot or right foot

8 Bat L or R

1 shoot pool left or right handed l or R - LEFT
2 write L or R - LEFT
3 throw L or R - LEFT
4 punch (jab rh) L or R -LEFT
5 Riffle, left shoulder or right shoulder - LEFT
6 Bow(archer) draw left or right = LEFT
7 Jump left foot or right foot - Don't know
8 Bat L or R - RIGHT (but I can switch)


Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
used to have trouble between rounds when I was calculating the TC, calculating my bet, reverting to RC and chatting with the other people. There were so many times that the count just escaped from my head.
Me too lol.

My biggest problem was just remembering the RC from the round before after it takes so long to pay everybody, cash buy-ins, etc.

Just couldn't get used to the overall slowness of the game. Playing at full tables and all.


Well-Known Member
As a Level 3 (balanced-single parameter) user:

If you're starting to feel negative about a higher level count in the beginning, you're normal. It is certainly true that it's harder and that you only get 5-10% more EV per bump in level. However, the "value" is not in the "EV."

The value is in a decreased (what I call...) "Standard Deviation per Percentage Edge per True Count." This simply means that the count is more accurate with reguards to what you should be betting at that moment. Your SD per TC ends up being lower and you end up becoming more confident because of positive reinforcement.

As for the learning curve--I first recommend getting from one at a time to two at a time. Practice at a hand per time (cancelling out equal but opposite values) on a table with a shoe and chips and what not. (In your head say m or my or n or whatever is better for you than saying long words like "negative.") You should notice after a while of dealing multiple player hands that your eyes want to subconsciously jump to the higher value hands. (By higher value I mean the highest absolute values of the card counts.) Let yourself go to looking at two hands (first four cards outta the shoe) at once and then maybe six. You should eventually find your brain trying to scramble all over looking for the highest valued sets of cards (or hands) and trying to cancel out those values with the rest. The job of your conscious mind will be to steer towards a certain procedure such as starting at the first base hand and working your way clockwise.

You also must find a little pocket of your brain where you can store very important pieces of data for short periods of time without it affecting or even being seen while the conscious mind does other stuff like talk and make playing decisions. That little pocket of your mind only has one job--hold the RC for me while I do other stuff.