You should read a few books...
Try this webpage to see different counts, their levels and efficiencies.
There are definitions at the bottom of the chart.
Higher level counts are more accurate/profitable, but also more difficult.
You should read a few books like: (pick 3)
Blackbelt in BJ, by Snyder
BJ Bluebook II, by Renzy
Professional BJ, by Wong
BJ Blueprint, by Blaine
BJ for Blood, by Carlson
Million Dollar BJ, by Uston
You can get BJ Attack 3rd. ed., by Schlessinger later.
Amazon and have xlnt deals on used blackjack books.
Gamemaster has a very good BJ School website. At the very LEAST go
through his lessons, if you don't want to get a few books. Link: (Archive copy)
You can find websites to practice basic strategy and counting like
(Dead link:
I use this website at work and use Casino Verite's CVBJ module at home.