"Lucky Lucky" side bet.


Well-Known Member
I've done a search on this and couldn't find anything. This is not "Lucky Ladies" but the "Lucky Lucky" side bet. Does anyone know of the odds, etc. My home casino has this bet. Here's the pay out:

Suited 777 pays 200 to 1
Suited 678 pays 100 to 1
Regular 777 pays 50 to 1
Regular 678 pays 30 to 1
Suited 21 pays 15 to 1
21 total pays 3 to 1
19 or 20 total pays 2 to 1

BTW I think the odds don't sound very good. Maybe the 19/20 and the 21 might be ok. Someone had mentioned to me that it might work at "an insanely high count". What the count is I don't know. Anyways, is it possible to run a simulations on it to find out if it is a profitable bet at some count?


Well-Known Member
You did a search on this??!?!?!??!?!?!?

I don't believe that for a second. If you had you'd have found several threads.


Well-Known Member
sabre said:
You did a search on this??!?!?!??!?!?!?

I don't believe that for a second. If you had you'd have found several threads.
I did but they all came up with "Lucky Ladies".


Well-Known Member
They have "Lucky lucky" at Pala (a NA casino in San Diego county). All the payouts listed are correct from what I remember. Was at a 6d table.


Well-Known Member
irobinson said:
They have "Lucky lucky" at Pala (a NA casino in San Diego county). All the payouts listed are correct from what I remember. Was at a 6d table.
What do you think about the bet?


It looks like a good excuse to start side counting sevens. This is a powerful card to side count anyway and is needed for the big payouts.


Active Member
BJLFS said:
I've done a search on this and couldn't find anything. This is not "Lucky Ladies" but the "Lucky Lucky" side bet. Does anyone know of the odds, etc. My home casino has this bet. Here's the pay out:

Suited 777 pays 200 to 1
Suited 678 pays 100 to 1
Regular 777 pays 50 to 1
Regular 678 pays 30 to 1
Suited 21 pays 15 to 1
21 total pays 3 to 1
19 or 20 total pays 2 to 1

BTW I think the odds don't sound very good. Maybe the 19/20 and the 21 might be ok. Someone had mentioned to me that it might work at "an insanely high count". What the count is I don't know. Anyways, is it possible to run a simulations on it to find out if it is a profitable bet at some count?
Here's the basic odds from wizard of odds:

Given the probabilities shown on the website, I do not see it being a profitable bet unless you focused solely on sevens (and even at a '7-rich' count, I doubt the percentage can change enough to make it profitable).


Active Member
There is a very extensive thread on this topic by Dog Hand at BJ21

BJLFS said:
I've done a search on this and couldn't find anything. This is not "Lucky Ladies" but the "Lucky Lucky" side bet. Does anyone know of the odds, etc. My home casino has this bet. Here's the pay out:

Suited 777 pays 200 to 1
Suited 678 pays 100 to 1
Regular 777 pays 50 to 1
Regular 678 pays 30 to 1
Suited 21 pays 15 to 1
21 total pays 3 to 1
19 or 20 total pays 2 to 1

BTW I think the odds don't sound very good. Maybe the 19/20 and the 21 might be ok. Someone had mentioned to me that it might work at "an insanely high count". What the count is I don't know. Anyways, is it possible to run a simulations on it to find out if it is a profitable bet at some count?
Essentially, a 2.6% house edge, which falls dramatically at extreme plus minus counts

Iron Man

Freightman said:
Essentially, a 2.6% house edge, which falls dramatically at extreme plus minus counts
Is that only for green chip members or is it available on the free post section? I couldn't find it...

Nevermind its green chip