Lucky Seven Casinos in Seoul, Korea


Well-Known Member
DonMacky said:
All straight shoes - I'm not sure if that's the right phrase or terminology but I wanted to add that Seven Luck Casino at the Hilton has completely gotten rid of the automatic shuffling machines on all tables, even the $10 tables have the clear shoe.

Unfortunately they have gotten rid of the $5.00 table, which a lot of people loved.

P.S. Also wanted to say too that the food and drinks there are fantastic! But on a down side, why is it so eerily quiet?
I agree the food is great! I'll be going there on the 16th. I'll be one of the ones missing that $5 table, but won't be missing those tourists who don't know basic strategy.



Well-Known Member
You typed: "Players can double up to four times"

Did you mean SPLIT four times ?

If it is double four times that means that a one unit bet can be doubled and redoubled until it becomes 16 units.

Of course the chances of a good (or even borderline) double remaining worthy of being re-doubled several times is essentially zero.

In Spanish21, as it is dealt in some locales, one may "redouble" once.

This is a very valuable rule.
Sounds like

Pontoon (like they have in Australia) or some version or Pontoon to me. My guess is that all of the 10's have been removed from the deck.