LVHCM vs. Ken Smith?

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Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
My point or question is whether tourney-style short-sampling betting is stronger than a 10% edge in 30 hands, am mojority of the time. zg
Depends on who wins the coin flip and gets to bet last.


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
OK, here's the set-up, the winner gets $10,000:
LVHCM can see the holecarder, Ken cannot.
LVHCM flat bets, Ken bets turney-strategy.
30-hands. Who has the advantage towards winning? zg
Ken would, the flat-bet rule for LVHCM would be too much to overcome, even with seeing the hole-card.
zengrifter said:
Stalker would have a 11+% edge. zg
I've never seen a tournament game dealt with anything but a shoe and a competent shoe dealer.

Besides, all the non- hole card player would have to do is say "Hey, do you realize he can see your hole card?" and that is the end of that. Thus if I were truly a hole carder, I would not be interested in making enemies among AP's.


Well-Known Member
And the hole carder could out you as an counter..I suspect its a lot easier to identify a counter than a hole carder when reviewing the tapes.An card counter has just as much to lose in a regular setting.


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Stalker would have a 11+% edge. zg
Still, being able to vary your bet is a critical aspect of tournament play. If Ken gets far enough ahead he can just sit on his lead since LVHCM will have no choice but to flat-bet. So if Ken could manage to get several of his flat-bets ahead, he would be pretty much done for right there.

Also, Ken could deduce what the dealer's hole card is a lot of the times just by how LVHCM plays his hand.


Well-Known Member
it would be neat to have on this site playable blackjack game sort of like yahoo has but hopefully better. then such contests could be tryed out ect.

The Truth

QFIT said:
Funny you should mention software. My worthless software supports holecarding practice, simulation and strategy generation. But the software you BJFO folk keep pushing supports none of these. Or any other expert methods. That's "The Truth."
Funny that there's not one professional holecarder on the planet that used "software" to better their game.

Funnier still you dance around the subject and come up with zero proof of your baseless allegations. Typical behavior from the autistic mental case.


The Truth said:
Funny that there's not one professional holecarder on the planet that used "software" to better their game.

Funnier still you dance around the subject and come up with zero proof of your baseless allegations. Typical behavior from the autistic mental case.
Hey, ghost of Stalker - you speak garbage - there would be no basic holecard strategy without the software. Or do you and your ilk just pull it out of your A** like you do your words? zg

The Truth

zengrifter said:
Hey, ghost of Stalker - you speak garbage - there would be no basic holecard strategy without the software. Or do you and your ilk just pull it out of your A** like you do your words? zg
So now QFIT's worthless software created the strategy? LMAO.

I will make one unconditional promise - If I should ever find myself again in a room with either you and your brown teeth, or the autistic computer jockey, it won't be a pleasant experience for either one of you.


The Truth said:
So now QFIT's worthless software created the strategy? LMAO.

I will make one unconditional promise - If I should ever find myself again in a room with either you and your brown teeth, or the autistic computer jockey, it won't be a pleasant experience for either one of you.
What a sorry sack you are - now you are saying that software was not used to develop holecard strategy?? Its the juice, man, you are losing it!

I'll make YOU a promise - When I SEE YOU I will remind you of your promise and then I'll let everyone here know how you WIMPED OUT! I'd let everyone at Fight Club know too, but you're too much of a wuss to let me post there. z:laugh:g
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The Truth

zengrifter said:
What a sorry sack you are - now you are saying that software was not used to develop holecard strategy?? Its the juice, man, you are losing it!I'll make YOU a promise - When I SEE YOU I will remind you of your promise and then I'll let everyone here know how you WIMPED OUT! z:laugh:g
Good then, I'll be looking forward to seeing you again. Best bring some of your FBI "pals".

All of those drugs must have affected your reading comprehension as well as your suggest QFIT had anything to do developing holecard strategy is beyond absurd.

I'd let everyone at Fight Club know too, but your too much of a wuss to let me post there.
The only person who determines who can post of BJFO is Arnold, so take it up with him. I reckon he tired of a convicted conman trolling for new victims on his site...can't say I blame him.
The Truth said:
So now QFIT's worthless software created the strategy? LMAO.

I will make one unconditional promise - If I should ever find myself again in a room with either you and your brown teeth, or the autistic computer jockey, it won't be a pleasant experience for either one of you.
I couldn't imagine anyone enjoying being in a room with you. :vomit:


The Truth said:
Good then, I'll be looking forward to seeing you again. Best bring some of your FBI "pals".
Not a chance, when you wuss out your only excuse will be your roid-shriveled balls.
All of those drugs must have affected your reading comprehension as well as your suggest QFIT had anything to do developing holecard strategy is beyond absurd.
Anyone who reads this thread will feel sorry for you.
The only person who determines who can post of BJFO is Arnold, so take it up with him. I reckon he tired of a convicted conman trolling for new victims on his site...can't say I blame him.
Right, "trolling" at Fight Club. Thats a sorry excuse, since YOU are the moderator. I guess you are as worthless there as anywhere else, here for instance. Otherwise YOU are the moderator, show show some cajunes and email me my new password.

In the meantime, I thought you were banned here. Maybe I'm mistaken, I'll need to take a new poll. zg
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The Truth said:
All of those drugs must have affected your reading comprehension as well as your suggest QFIT had anything to do developing holecard strategy is beyond absurd.
As I've already told you my mouth has had the $20,000 makeover, compliments of US taxpayers while I was in prison(ZG Interview).

The difference between me and you is that psychedelics IMPROVE lucidity and comprehension while roids degenerate your mental-emotional homeostasis.

For example, your rant had nothing to do with QFIT software, though its the best on the market. YOU said that holecarders never ever "used software" to figure out the game/strategy. Words fresh out of your A**!

The Truth said:
Funny that there's not one professional holecarder on the planet that used "software" to better their game.
If you keep showing up here we are going to have to start a new forum called STALKER's FUNNY FARM! In fact we need a Stalker's Funny Farm since the Stalker Fight Club turned out to be such a little demented and censored hissy-fit lounge. z:laugh:g
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Craps Master

Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
The difference between me and you is that psychedelics IMPROVE lucidity and comprehension...
I just want to be clear about this. You're saying that the zengrifter who thinks that tangential, semantic argumentation is clever and relevant is MORE lucid than the pre-psychadelics zengrifter? I wonder what that guy was like, a bag of hammers?


Craps Master said:
I just want to be clear about this. You're saying that the zengrifter who thinks that tangential, semantic argumentation is clever and relevant is MORE lucid than the pre-psychadelics zengrifter? I wonder what that guy was like, a bag of hammers?
No, more like a box of rocks. zg

The Truth

zengrifter said:
For example, your rant had nothing to do with QFIT software, though its the best on the market. YOU said that holecarders never ever "used software" to figure out the game/strategy. Words fresh out of your A**!

My "rant" as you call it, was a direct answer to the autistic mental case regarding his software. Play the semantic angle all you want conman, cause that's all your broke ass got.

Originally Posted by QFIT View Post
Funny you should mention software. My worthless software supports holecarding practice, simulation and strategy generation.
As a matter of fact, your original point of this thread is directly due to inability to comprehend the written word. I in no way on any forum offered any "30 hand match" vs the nigger-hatin redneck.

In the meantime, I thought you were banned here. Maybe I'm mistaken, I'll need to take a new poll. zg
Poll all you want convicted conman, there ain't no getting of me...ask Wong...
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