Mac/iOS alternative to CVBJ/CVCX ?


Well-Known Member
Big fan of QFIT and Norm.

I remember using the software several years ago to run sims and help me set my optimal betting ramp. I'm on a Mac now, and QFIT is windows only. Is there another solution, or a way to use CVBJ on a Mac? I see there's an online viewer... will this give me enough of what I want to help me decide a betting ramp for the games I'll be playing?


New Member
This thread isn’t too old, so I thought I’d chime in.

I have Windows 11 ARM installed in VMware Fusion on my MacBook M2, and both CVCX and CVData run perfectly.

A few key points:
  • VMware Fusion is now free for Mac, even for commercial use.
  • You can get a cheap, one-time-use Windows 11 Pro license on Groupon for around $10-$15.
  • Since the license is one-time-use, make sure to:
    • Create a snapshot of your VM once it’s set up.
    • Back up the VM image to avoid losing your setup.
    • If you encrypt your VM, be sure to save the encryption key somewhere safe.
Hope this helps!