Max Rubins 2 dvd BJ program


Well-Known Member
Has anyone seen any reviews on it? For 49.95 and considering you get two night in a Strip hotel and $40 in matchplay from the Hard Rock,it seems like a bargin.Or has Max turned to the darkside,ala Patterson,et al?


Well-Known Member
I had never even heard of this before. :confused: I'm sure they have accurate information but I don't know how helpful they would be. They seem to be geared towards players with no experience or BJ knowledge. Probably most of the comp information is from his book which is cheaper.

Someone like you who already knows how to play would probably be better off just buying his book.



Well-Known Member
Read his book and practice his teachings.What I lack in some areas I make up for by exploting the comp system as he taught me.


Well-Known Member
Preston said:

Read the book AT Barnes & Noble.
ive just purchased his book, waiting on delivery, is it a good read???
Am a bit of a freak that way, i love all books that even mention casinos,blackjack, and making money!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
sez the guy who sleeps in his car 150 nites a year:devil:
Hmmm, 150 nights a year multiplied by about $40/night for a hotel room gives him an extra $6,000 per year. That sounds like a pretty nice bankroll booster right there! :D
