The Mayor

Well-Known Member
trip reflections

By far the most exciting part was meeting other players. That entailed a nice dinner on the last night with two others, and stopping by the pi yee press office.

As far as the games, I am addicted to deep 6D with LSR. Wonging these shoes gives a very low variance game with a high EV (translate: not many swings, decent earnings). I spent the days going between the 4 or 5 good games in town, trying to go during different shifts each day.

I was thrown out of one place -- the El Cortez, again. I flat bet 1 unit for about 20 minutes, the deck got to juicy to resist and I bet 6 units and got a BJ. The boss came over and said: "that's your last hand."

I had other meetings that were more on the consulting end, as well, so it was not entirely a trip for pleasure.

I ended up winning 133 units in 20 hours of total play.

Take care,



New Member
Nice guerrilla photojournalism.

A couple of notes on one photo -- several of those folks are known counters:

-The cigar guy in the foreground is about to double a 7 against the dealer's 5.
-The praying woman in the background is using Revere's APC (Advanced Point Count).

For the future, it would be great to have photos of the following:

-Someone tracking aces.
-A shot of the pit boss's foot on impact with the posterior of a player who has just doubled an A-8 against the dealer's 2.
-Photos of casino heat, which would be easy using an infrared digital camera.

And could you leave out the shots of the 6:5 tables -- that's obscene by contemporary community standards.

Wish I knew as much about blackjack as I do about being a smartass.

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Re: It's been bugging me

Actually, I went ON halloween. Not for cover at all, it was just how the timing of my obligations in Vegas worked out.

It was my first time there on 10/31, and it was not nearly as wild as state street here in Santa Barbara on the same night. A few groups of tourists planned ahead and dressed up for the night, but most were still intent on losing their money as fast as they possibly could.

I saw one young woman crying in the lobby of the hotel.



Re: trip reflections

>> As far as the games, I am addicted to deep 6D with LSR. Wonging these shoes gives a very low variance game with a high EV (translate: not many swings, decent earnings)<<

Mayor, is the above entirely correct? I don't have a BJA or software handy, but I thought that wonging a 6-8D shoe was still MORE variance than a decent 2D game, all things being equal, no? zg