creeping panther
I have been on a BJ sojourn around the Midwest and there are a few I will write about and a few I will not.
I will at this time talk about the condition at 3 casinos that are in far out of the way places and are somewhat hard to find conditions on.
Ojibwa casino, Harvey-Michigan, don't even bother. I played at another casino with 2 of their young BJ dealers for a few hours and it was very entertaining, dealers always think they know it all, these guys lost considerable and are lucky if they were not pulled over for DUI on the 60 mile drive back to their homes late at night,.I do wish them the best, as they were nice fun young men.
Bad River, Wisconsin. I must commend the tribe here for offering a very playable Bj game and having a great VP game that the wife won many benjamins on! My wife also the day before won 3rd place in a fine VP tourney and again won many, many Benjamins.
Bad river offers shoe and pitch, h17-das-doa-1 card on split aces, overall very playable, but with max bets from $25-50-100. That being said would I go far out of my way to play here...... ? not really, because there are other things with this game that a advanced AP may frown upon, especially with some other games available that are more attuned to the "BJ Warrior" style of play that I espouse and employ. But this tribe is to be commended, for sure and for certain. The overall condition of this casino is not good, it is dirty and poorly maintained, very much so. There is a motel attached that I would not feel comfortable staying in using the poor condition of the casino as an example. I did run into heat here and they did refuse to open the pitch game that they did assure me they would open after viewing my shoe game play for some 2 hours, that did not make me happy. But I still will commend them on their playable game. They do alot of things right, good for them. This casino is also located in a very pretty area. What a shame the casino is so poorly maintained.
Lac Vieux Desert, Watersmeet Mi. Very nice casino and attached hotel, clean, modern, nice size. Beautiful drive to get there. Saw a bear crossing the road near the casino. Shoe, pitch, s-17-h-17, das-doa-1 card to split aces. $3-50, 5-200. Borderline playable, would not make the trip back.
More to come.
I will at this time talk about the condition at 3 casinos that are in far out of the way places and are somewhat hard to find conditions on.
Ojibwa casino, Harvey-Michigan, don't even bother. I played at another casino with 2 of their young BJ dealers for a few hours and it was very entertaining, dealers always think they know it all, these guys lost considerable and are lucky if they were not pulled over for DUI on the 60 mile drive back to their homes late at night,.I do wish them the best, as they were nice fun young men.
Bad River, Wisconsin. I must commend the tribe here for offering a very playable Bj game and having a great VP game that the wife won many benjamins on! My wife also the day before won 3rd place in a fine VP tourney and again won many, many Benjamins.
Bad river offers shoe and pitch, h17-das-doa-1 card on split aces, overall very playable, but with max bets from $25-50-100. That being said would I go far out of my way to play here...... ? not really, because there are other things with this game that a advanced AP may frown upon, especially with some other games available that are more attuned to the "BJ Warrior" style of play that I espouse and employ. But this tribe is to be commended, for sure and for certain. The overall condition of this casino is not good, it is dirty and poorly maintained, very much so. There is a motel attached that I would not feel comfortable staying in using the poor condition of the casino as an example. I did run into heat here and they did refuse to open the pitch game that they did assure me they would open after viewing my shoe game play for some 2 hours, that did not make me happy. But I still will commend them on their playable game. They do alot of things right, good for them. This casino is also located in a very pretty area. What a shame the casino is so poorly maintained.
Lac Vieux Desert, Watersmeet Mi. Very nice casino and attached hotel, clean, modern, nice size. Beautiful drive to get there. Saw a bear crossing the road near the casino. Shoe, pitch, s-17-h-17, das-doa-1 card to split aces. $3-50, 5-200. Borderline playable, would not make the trip back.
More to come.