mid shoe entry?????


Active Member
do many casinos still do mid shoe entry???
how could i ask a casino if they have mid shoe entry without them assuming that i am going to go there to count cars???


Well-Known Member
matts0809 said:
do many casinos still do mid shoe entry???
how could i ask a casino if they have mid shoe entry without them assuming that i am going to go there to count cars???
i don't know how many casino's allow mid-shoe entry but most that i've seen allow it if they don't have a No Mid-Shoe Entry sign posted.


Well-Known Member
matts0809 said:
do many casinos still do mid shoe entry???
how could i ask a casino if they have mid shoe entry without them assuming that i am going to go there to count cars???

Try entering a game mid-shoe.If the dealer tells you you have to wait,you have your answer.
I've never seen a casino that didn't post the nmse rule when they have it,but some may not.


Well-Known Member

Some houses have a line at the bottom of their table plackard that reads;
"Mid-Shoe Entry Allowed - $100 maximum"


Active Member
well the casino is like seven hours (the closest one to my house, yeah it sucks) me and my friend were going to attempt the team thing because it seems like one of the to most profitable. i was going to call them and just ask, but i thought that would be too obvious. then i relized as long as they answer the question it would be fine because they don't know who i am anyway.


Well-Known Member
matts0809 said:
how could i ask a casino if they have mid shoe entry without them assuming that i am going to go there to count cars???
You can look up the game conditions in Wong's CBJN.



Active Member
my friend and i are planning on going to winstar casino @the Oklahoma and Texas border, so i was wondering if anyone new if they had mid-shoe entry, and what the low limit table ranges are because we plan on doig the team thing. and we are only 18 so if you know of another casino somewhere close to that one (within 120 miles) with mid-shoe entry please let me know.


Well-Known Member
matts0809 said:
my friend and i are planning on going to winstar casino @the Oklahoma and Texas border, so i was wondering if anyone new if they had mid-shoe entry, and what the low limit table ranges are because we plan on doig the team thing. and we are only 18 so if you know of another casino somewhere close to that one (within 120 miles) with mid-shoe entry please let me know.
Check out http://us.casinocity.com it gives links to all of the casino's in the U.S., many of which have their web-site links with a list of their rules. (Maybe not updated, but it's a start.)



Active Member
eps6724 said:
Check out http://us.casinocity.com it gives links to all of the casino's in the U.S., many of which have their web-site links with a list of their rules. (Maybe not updated, but it's a start.)

yeah, i looked at there website through that site and i can't find there rules listed anywhere. But thanks anyways man i guess i will just have to call.



casino aztar in evansville,IN has mid show entry on the 5 dollar tables only.6deck games are all they have also.