Million Dollar Blackjack


Well-Known Member
I know Kenny Uston used this title. My meaning is a little different.

On one of the BJ forums that I used to participate at a number of years ago, I posted a thread, which was pretty popular, entitled "My 10 year, million dollar BJ plan".

Following a monumental run of the past month or so, today, I hit this million dollar mark in career blackjack, card counting winnings. It took about 4.5 years longer than planned. :rolleyes: More on this in a moment.

I know there will be those that accuse me of bragging. This is not my intention. A million dollars is no longer some great amount of money that sets you for life. I am 30 years way from retirement, so hopefully this is just one step. I am sure there are many in our community that have achieved far greater success both in the AP world and private workforce, and probably in far less time. But because I started from scratch, with this "plan", this milestone is important to me. :)

I want to clarify that I am only talking about my card counting blackjack winnings. I topped the million mark in total AP winnings several years ago, which included winnings from machine play, hole-carding, the big six wheel, and other AP plays and techniques, but this 10 year plan that I came up with back in 2004, was not about those techniques. I had no idea about those techniques. The 10 year plan was about blackjack card counting and today I achieved that, and am proud of it. :cool:

I think what I am most proud of is the "turn" that things took, midway through my career (and the plan). Having started my career playing low limit, red chip stakes in Atlantic City (this is the part that took much longer than expected), almost as soon as I built a bankroll significant enough to move up in stakes, to green to black play, Atlantic City basically shut me down with bet restricting and half shoeing counter measures.

This could have been the end of my career....but it wasn't. I regrouped, formulated a new plan, which involved moving to Las Vegas and a larger rotation of games, and more importantly implementing a style of play (and levels) that are better tolerated. I learned from my failures in Atlantic City what would be tolerated and how to play so as to play within comfort levels. I am very proud of this and this is why, although a bit late...this milestone is very important to me. Better late than never. o_O
yep, so if you don't live in vegas you won't make it as a AP, if you don't have 10k at your disposal , you will not survive the swings, and if your an average joe in usa w/ average work/bills ontime you certainly won't make it. id estimate better off playing the slots and hitting it big like the rest of the 80% of gamblers.

im still trying to figure out how you grinded out an edge in AC kewlj playing those h17 no surrender, you must have spreaded wisely or wong out agressive on bad shoes, id imagine id get banned within 4-6 weeks in PA casinos with their decent rules s17/late sur, and thats assuming i don't go bust and back out of this counting business after hitting a negative -4k$ losing streak like so many counters in the past have done
KewlJ said:
I am sure there are many in our community that have achieved far greater success ... in the AP world
You've won more than Lawrence Revere and Ken Uston combined.
Can you estimate how many hands you've played in your lifetime?

LC Larry

Well-Known Member
Stevel96a1 said:
yep, so if you don't live in vegas you won't make it as a AP, if you don't have 10k at your disposal , you will not survive the swings, and if your an average joe in usa w/ average work/bills ontime you certainly won't make it. id estimate better off playing the slots and hitting it big like the rest of the 80% of gamblers.

im still trying to figure out how you grinded out an edge in AC kewlj playing those h17 no surrender, you must have spreaded wisely or wong out agressive on bad shoes, id imagine id get banned within 4-6 weeks in PA casinos with their decent rules s17/late sur, and thats assuming i don't go bust and back out of this counting business after hitting a negative -4k$ losing streak like so many counters in the past have done
Why do you keep proposing that AP's should play -EV games? Are you a shill for the casino industry?


Well-Known Member
xengrifter said:
You've won more than Lawrence Revere and Ken Uston combined.
Really? What were Revere and Uston's career earnings from blackjack play?

xengrifter said:
Can you estimate how many hands you've played in your lifetime?
Well over a million hands. Those early years I was only making "cents" per round. o_O

LC Larry said:
Why do you keep proposing that AP's should play -EV games? Are you a shill for the casino industry?

where did you read i said everyone go play negative games? the man played in AC early/mid 2000 and this was before Pa casinos opened up, so he played the worst rules imaginable im not sure when 6:5 crapjack came into exists but yea he manage to grind out an edge out of ac imo is unbelievable but achievable.

i never stated everyone should go play 99% games i recommend full pay deuces wild ya jerk and also AC rules 1-7 spread barely gets you 2.50$ an hour thats crappy imo on a 10$, risk 70 to win 2.50? yuck i dunno about you but im not risking 1,000$ for a 2.50$ an hour type of game rather just play a positive progressive in ac like five joker poker but even that game has been sour to me

yep you are better off in vegas which is the only place where Positive VP stands the jerks at ac and sands pa don't offer positive VP games those jerks gotta high tail it to vegas baby


Well-Known Member
Congrats, KJ! Quite an accomplishment. I wouldn't be surprised if you were the top earner for solo counting. (Remember, those throwing around big #s had to share with large teams..)

LC Larry

Well-Known Member
Stevel96a1 said:

where did you read i said everyone go play negative games? the man played in AC early/mid 2000 and this was before Pa casinos opened up, so he played the worst rules imaginable im not sure when 6:5 crapjack came into exists but yea he manage to grind out an edge out of ac imo is unbelievable but achievable.

i never stated everyone should go play 99% games i recommend full pay deuces wild ya jerk and also AC rules 1-7 spread barely gets you 2.50$ an hour thats crappy imo on a 10$, risk 70 to win 2.50? yuck i dunno about you but im not risking 1,000$ for a 2.50$ an hour type of game rather just play a positive progressive in ac like five joker poker but even that game has been sour to me

yep you are better off in vegas which is the only place where Positive VP stands the jerks at ac and sands pa don't offer positive VP games those jerks gotta high tail it to vegas baby
You said this:

"id estimate better off playing the slots and hitting it big like the rest of the 80% of gamblers."

That's suggesting that AP's should go play -EV games.
well yea if all you bring is 500$ to atlantic city blackjack table you can't win. its simple as that. you might get lucky and double that 500 but in the long run or No-9th power you will always go broke with a 500$ roll in ac rules. better off staying home or playing slot machine than trying to win 2.50$ an hour with that meager trip roll. its not that hard to see why. you can blow through 300$ easy in 3-6 turns depending on double down or spliting situation and then your left with 200$, infact i saw an old man lose his 2nd buy in of 400ish in 5min at a full fast pace table
i wish you would have bring up the entire post but sadly playing a winning game doesn't make you an AP, making all the RIGHT moves and bringing the bankroll does. i would never play 15$ h17 no surrender ac rules with any amount of money even if they removed all the baby cards lol well maybe :) but overall ac can go to hell charging 15$ a hand on 6:5 blackjack or crap h17 das those REALISTICALLY are not beatable games i guess if you have alot of time on your hands and plenty of bankrolls be my guest

atlantic city = negative games
vegas = positive games

enough said Larry

LC Larry

Well-Known Member
Stevel96a1 said:
i wish you would have bring up the entire post but sadly playing a winning game doesn't make you an AP, making all the RIGHT moves and bringing the bankroll does. i would never play 15$ h17 no surrender ac rules with any amount of money even if they removed all the baby cards lol well maybe :) but overall ac can go to hell charging 15$ a hand on 6:5 blackjack or crap h17 das those REALISTICALLY are not beatable games i guess if you have alot of time on your hands and plenty of bankrolls be my guest

atlantic city = negative games
vegas = positive games

enough said Larry
This post alone shows me you aren't and don't want to be an AP.


Well-Known Member
Congrats KJ! It`s a huge accomplishment no matter how you slice it. How you`ve done it is different than most (possibly all?) that have gotten to that milestone, so I think that makes it way more of a feat. Respect.


Well-Known Member
That's great KJ. I hope you have invested the money wisely. Life is a crapshoot. Some of my friends died in their forties and some seem to be immortal. I have buried way too many in recent times. Enjoy the spoils but take appropriate measures for preparing for a long life.

Midwest Player

Well-Known Member
KJ, a million dollars is a great accomplishment. I don't think I made a million dollars from my regular job in my entire lifetime. However, I don't remember what my lifetime social security earnings were so I'm not entirely sure. I do remember my first full time job out of college was only $6,000 a year so things were different in the old days.

No reason you can't make another couple million before you retire as you are still young.


Well-Known Member
Midwest Player said:
No reason you can't make another couple million before you retire as you are still young.
I guess my biggest concern right now, is how long will there be playable/beatable blackjack? I know this has been a concern since Thorpe's book came out 50 years ago. Player thought casinos would stop offering playable/beatable blackjack. And then CSM came along. :( And through it all...there is still playable/beatable blackjack today. o_O

BUT, technology is definitely working against us.