I know Kenny Uston used this title. My meaning is a little different.
On one of the BJ forums that I used to participate at a number of years ago, I posted a thread, which was pretty popular, entitled "
My 10 year, million dollar BJ plan".
Following a monumental run of the past month or so, today, I hit this million dollar mark in career blackjack, card counting winnings. It took about 4.5 years longer than planned.

More on this in a moment.
I know there will be those that accuse me of bragging. This is not my intention. A million dollars is no longer some great amount of money that sets you for life. I am 30 years way from retirement, so hopefully this is just one step. I am sure there are many in our community that have achieved far greater success both in the AP world and private workforce, and probably in far less time. But because I started from scratch, with this "plan", this milestone is important to me.