Minnesota No Smoking Ban - Casinos?


Well-Known Member
Anyone been to a MN casino since the no smoking ban passed a couple weeks ago? Does it include indian reservation casinos is what im asking ....not smelling like ass after a long session sure would be a nice change. :toast:


Well-Known Member
Talked to my buddy last night, so i can answer my own question....Smoking is still allowed on indian reservation casinos in MN incase any MN people were wondering


Well-Known Member
There's a smoking ban where I live, and it's phenomenal. You can actually go to a restaurant or a bar, breathe, carry on a conversation, and not smell like an ashtray when you get home.


Active Member
Mystic Lake = Smoke Filled

toastblows said:
Anyone been to a MN casino since the no smoking ban passed a couple weeks ago? Does it include indian reservation casinos is what im asking ....not smelling like ass after a long session sure would be a nice change. :toast:
Casinos are about the only places in Minnesota where you can still smoke - and yes, it sucks....But it is because the Reservations are under federal, not state, laws/regulations


Well-Known Member
BVUGrad2003 said:
Casinos are about the only places in Minnesota where you can still smoke - and yes, it sucks....But it is because the Reservations are under federal, not state, laws/regulations
mistake lake....does seem to attract a lot of smokers, even pre ban. i can feel my arteries constricting already :(


Active Member

toastblows said:
mistake lake....does seem to attract a lot of smokers, even pre ban. i can feel my arteries constricting already :(
Yes...but at least they have those fans on the tables....if I require it, I have put a tip down for the dealer, and then mentioned "hey, could you spin that fan this way a little bit to try to get the smoke away from me?"
What do you play while out there?


Well-Known Member
i dont play out there. its a s-hole in my opinion. spotty pen, anywhere from 50% one dealer to 80% on another. No double after split on 2 deck. Dealer hit on soft 17. Max 199 on double deck. Pit bosses that are pushy about having a players card if you sit at a table over $5. :flame: :flame: :flame:

I have just convinced myself after typing this thread i will never go there again...thanks dude :laugh: :toast:

(im getting into the mindset where im just going to hit vegas a couple times a year with bigger BR and screw this low limit indian bullsh-t)
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Are you serious?

Maybe one of the reasons that you are being asked for your club card is that you are drawing attention to yourself...for whatever reason. The camera people at ML are more aware of things than most people realize. I hope you realize this already...you are tracked by your club card. Cash in, cash out, buy ins, everything. Make any sense yet? BTDT. :cool:


RE: Squint

My name is a long story...too long for here. Surveillance? No. Even if I was, I would not admit it here....ya know what I mean?


Well-Known Member

mystic lake doesnt even need their surveillance team to focus on catching counters. they are the second most profitable casino behind foxwoods and no card counter or even team of card counters could even begin to make a dent in their profits.


Well-Known Member
i was only asked at $50 and $100 min tables at ML, so high stakes. They must think its strange the 3 times a year I "used" to go there i dont use the card...because i dont care about their crap. If you want to give me a bmw for dropping a couple grand, then ill sign up. buffet, pass. :cool2:

I have heard their reservation gets $70-80K per member/month. Thats some nice profits :cool2:
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Well-Known Member

has anyone played the casinos up in northern minnesota? theres a lot of little ones up there and im just wondering if any often decent games.. the ones that come to mined are grand casio millacs, grand casino hinckley, black bear, fond-du-luth,northern star?, white oak. if anyone has played these id be interested to hear what they offer. PM me if you would like.


Well-Known Member
ill chime in on black bear. I have been there 2 times in the last 4 years on a yearly up north trip. Stopped by on a friday afternoon both times. Last stop was January 2006 and that was the only time i checked out the BJ pit.

At the time the card room had 8 BJ tables and a 2 table poker area. Only 2 BJ tables were open (being it a friday afternoon), both games were 6D $5 tables, and they were both crowded so i did the walk by at light speed because it seemed like i would never go here to play blackjack. Cant give you specifics on pen or auto shufflers, splitting. Just letting you know its probably not worth your time.



Well-Known Member
ill chime in on black bear. I have been there 2 times in the last 4 years on a yearly up north trip. Stopped by on a friday afternoon both times. Last stop was January 2006 and that was the only time i checked out the BJ pit.

At the time the card room had 8 BJ tables and a 2 table poker area. Only 2 BJ tables were open (being it a friday afternoon), both games were 6D $5 tables, and they were both crowded so i did the walk by at light speed because it seemed like i would never go here to play blackjack. Cant give you specifics on pen or auto shufflers, splitting. Just letting you know its probably not worth your time.

Here is the website rules for BJ at blackbear. It seems as though they now have 12 tables. lame.

(Dead link: http://www.blackbearcasinohotel.com/gaming/bjackrules.htm)



Well-Known Member
I visited TI for the first time in a while about a week back. I stayed about 1 hour. I think now that the state has a ban on smoking including bars, etc, everyone who smokes just goes to the casinos during the cold winter days. I will probably not be going back to a MN casino for a long time if ever, Risk of Ruin low, Risk of Lung cancer....considerably high. Its less smokey in vegas for gods sake. :cool2: