mohegan sun or foxwoods?

The Suburbs

Active Member
Go to FW

deucedeuce21 said:
which casino is best for and AP and which is just the nicer casino?
FW has the better game, by far. 8 deck with pretty good pen (ranging anywhere from 1 deck to 2 decks behind the cut) on the outside games, 6 deck in the HL rooms. MS pen is generally 66% or less in their 6 deck games. Both stores have the same rules (S17, DAS, DA2, LS), except MS doesn't allow splitting of 10's. Stick to the non-HL FW games and you'll do fine if you play a solid game. They don't sweat even chunky green play too much outside the HL rooms.

MS is definitely the nicer store, but I think it's pretty much a wash as far as amenities and dining. I might even say FW has better food. However, there's definitely much better "talent" at MS....unless you have a thing for old Asian ladies.


Well-Known Member
deucedeuce21 said:
which casino is best for and AP and which is just the nicer casino?
MS is much much nicer non-gambling wise.
Now that FW has gone HIT 17 :mad: MS is better all around in my estimation.


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
Both are awful venues.

FW is all H17 and MS has horrid penetration.
I don't think awefull is the best word. Both casinos offer surrender which is much more valuable than the damage done by the h17 rule.

And no matter how you look at it, it way better than AC.


Well-Known Member

That is true in the case of Foxwoods, but not in the case of Mohegan Sun; where only a generous dealer will give a 2 deck cut off, as most cut off 2.5 decks.

Also there was a mention of Spanish21.

At Mohegan Sun the ordinary Span21 rules for Aces are NOT observed.

The COST to the player is extremely significant and renders their version of Span21 unplayable.

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Well-Known Member

I am a trespassed character in Connecticut,

and I simply got them back-asswards.

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