money hobbies

Anyone have suggestions for other games/hobbies like blackjack or poker that are played for money? (doesn't have to do with cards) I couldn't get much past backgammon and chess...


Well-Known Member
k47k said:
drag racing
Golf is a sport not a game. If you are playing it as a hobby you aren't making money off of it and if you are making money from it then it is your job and not your hobby. Almost all pros spend at least 40 hours a week working on their game.


Active Member
The same can be said for pool, drag racing and day trading i guess.

Just for the sake of conversation, whats the difference between sport and game and hobby? Different people may have different opinions... the answer lies with Webster.


Well-Known Member

k47k said:
The same can be said for pool, drag racing and day trading i guess.

Just for the sake of conversation, whats the difference between sport and game and hobby? Different people may have different opinions... the answer lies with Webster.
Oh gosh Ive gone into plenty of arguments about the differences. Of course this is all my personal opinion, but for something to be categorized as a sport, it must follow a few rules:

1. Cannot be choreographed (no gymnastics, dance, etc)
2. There must be interaction between opposing players including a third party object (no wrestling, swimming, ...)
3. Opposing players must (or at least be allowed to) actively try and prevent each other from scoring (golf, pool, ...)
4. Heart rate must reach (some undecided amount) by result of physical activity (darts, poker, ...)

These are just my rules, and I'm sure there are plenty of people that disagree

PS: Semi-implied rule from #3: There must be a completely objective scoring system


Active Member
Most of the arguments arise due to the fact that different people have their own opinions on what the definitions are. If everyone was working off the same definitions there would be a lot more agreement.

PS. In golf how does a player have the ability to keep another player from scoring (other than psychological)?


Well-Known Member
There is no way you can say that golf isn't a sport. In my opinion a sport is an activity that takes significant physical skill to accomplish a task. Anyone who plays golf realizes that the guys who play on tour are real athletes. (I guess there could be a couple exceptions to that rule but for 99% of the time you have to be an athlete to play on tour)


Well-Known Member
k47k said:
The same can be said for pool, drag racing and day trading i guess.

Just for the sake of conversation, whats the difference between sport and game and hobby? Different people may have different opinions... the answer lies with Webster.
To answer this question, whats the difference between sport and hobby that is a tough one to answer. Lots of people plays sports as a hobby. I think the question that you should ask is what is the difference between a game and a sport.


Active Member

Main Entry:
\ˈath-ˌlēt, ÷ˈa-thə-ˌlēt\

: a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina

I would agree, a pro golfer is an athlete. Pro golfers are trained and skilled in a sport or game that requires physical strength, agility and stamina... the same amount as a NFL linebacker? No, but the definition does not get into what degree.

Dont think theres is any debate there.


Well-Known Member
I was disagreeing with sleight on that one. In golf the only time your heart rate increases is due to the intense pressure put on you, not because of physical exertion. By sleights definition this means it can't be a sport. Also in golf you don't prevent other people from playing their best, unless you are Tiger of course and you can make people play bad simply by playing beside them.

The golf swing has to be one of the most complex and diffcult tasks in all of sports. Being able to to rotate a 45 inch club around your body and make it contact the ball at 120 mph and being able to have that ball land 1000 feet away where you want it to land is a pretty amazing to me.


Well-Known Member
k47k said:
Is that a game or a sport? :laugh:

you've obviously never been coon huntin'! :) Did you know a male coon has a bone in his organ that, when cleaned, makes a great toothpick? If you want, I'll send you one.


Active Member
Ive shot a few with the bow, never been on a real coon hunt though... and definitely never found or looked for the toothpick.
sport [spawrt, spohrt]
1. an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.
2. a particular form of this, esp. in the out of doors.
3. diversion; recreation; pleasant pastime.


Well-Known Member
1357111317 said:
I was disagreeing with sleight on that one. In golf the only time your heart rate increases is due to the intense pressure put on you, not because of physical exertion. By sleights definition this means it can't be a sport. Also in golf you don't prevent other people from playing their best, unless you are Tiger of course and you can make people play bad simply by playing beside them.

The golf swing has to be one of the most complex and diffcult tasks in all of sports. Being able to to rotate a 45 inch club around your body and make it contact the ball at 120 mph and being able to have that ball land 1000 feet away where you want it to land is a pretty amazing to me.
I am not denying the fact that golfers have great skill. However, there are lots of other things that take great skill (difficult music, contorting your body like the performers in cirque de soleil, etc.). Difficulty does not make something sport-worthy.


Well-Known Member
Coonboners toothpricks

daddybo said:
you've obviously never been coon huntin'! :) Did you know a male coon has a bone in his organ that, when cleaned, makes a great toothpick? If you want, I'll send you one.
So Dad, is this called a coon toothprick? Does coon folklore suggest that one of these coon boners could be good luck? Is that why you have a collection? When you play, is one always seen protruding from your mouth? :grin: