Well-Known Member
Ok was playing a boardwalk (AC) casino today. Me and one other player. Player 1 is dealt crap. I forget what he had. I have hard 20. Dealer has 7 showing. Player 1 takes a hit. Dealer slides 2 cards out. I can see one is an ace. He gives player 1 a card, which is a ten. He busts. He slides the second card back towards the shoe, to be the next card played. So I double down.
had to convince him that I didn't want to split my 10's, but rather double down. Of course he shouts "doubling hard 20".
Not good. 2 pit guys glance over. I draw an ace! (oh what a surprise) The pit guys are now glaring at me as if I cheated. But WTF, if the sloppy dealer is going to show the card, I'm taking advantage of it. Here's the problem though. I only had a 2 unit bet out at the time, so I only won an extra $50. I wasn't being rated at the time, but it is a casino I play pretty regularly, 2-3 times a week. Was winning that extra $50 bucks, worth the attention I might have drawn to myself, which could carry over to the future??