More scenes from the tables


Well-Known Member
More from a few weeks ago:

1. Well dressed older lady playing SP21 surrenders on a hard 7 . . .

2. Smartass SP21 dealer. I have hard 13 v. 6 and double for a dollar just to look nuts (one hit is correct BS and, as it happened, in index play as well). She screeches over her shoulder, "DOUBLE FOR LESS ON HARD 13."

3. Another smartass dealer. He is "helping" BJ players by advising, "You always hit on soft 18 no matter what the dealer has."

4. Guy playing 2x$50 hands splits 2x6 against an 8. Draws a 5, doubles for a 10 on one, second hand is a stiff but dealer breaks, so the guy wins all 3 hands . . .

5. Friend overhears the pit crew discussing a player at another table. Pit boss is saying, "Go over there and cap his bets. He's in, he's out, sometimes he bets $10, sometimes $400. Must be a counter." So the supervisor puts a little sign on the table to that effect (this is AC). Guy says fine, doesn't leave . . .


Well-Known Member
zoomie said:
5. Friend overhears the pit crew discussing a player at another table. Pit boss is saying, "Go over there and cap his bets. He's in, he's out, sometimes he bets $10, sometimes $400. Must be a counter." So the supervisor puts a little sign on the table to that effect (this is AC). Guy says fine, doesn't leave . . .
Wouldn't be the first time a ploppy gets backed off.


Well-Known Member
zoomie said:
More from a few weeks ago:

1. Well dressed older lady playing SP21 surrenders on a hard 7 . . .

2. Smartass SP21 dealer. I have hard 13 v. 6 and double for a dollar just to look nuts (one hit is correct BS and, as it happened, in index play as well). She screeches over her shoulder, "DOUBLE FOR LESS ON HARD 13."

3. Another smartass dealer. He is "helping" BJ players by advising, "You always hit on soft 18 no matter what the dealer has."

4. Guy playing 2x$50 hands splits 2x6 against an 8. Draws a 5, doubles for a 10 on one, second hand is a stiff but dealer breaks, so the guy wins all 3 hands . . .

5. Friend overhears the pit crew discussing a player at another table. Pit boss is saying, "Go over there and cap his bets. He's in, he's out, sometimes he bets $10, sometimes $400. Must be a counter." So the supervisor puts a little sign on the table to that effect (this is AC). Guy says fine, doesn't leave . . .

Very entertaining. One thing, hard 7? You can't break on next card so it's just a total of 7. I've seen this before people saying "hard 8, hard 9" etc.
With all do respect of course.


Well-Known Member
Yes, exactly, hard 7. Since then I've seen another lady surrendering on hard 8. Go figure. Love them ploppies.


Well-Known Member
From the Department of Redundancy Department...

zoomie said:
Yes, exactly, hard 7.
His point was that “hard 7” is redundant, since any hand total less than 12 has to be hard. :)


Well-Known Member
There's no hard eight either, but there's eight the hard way. :joker:

Not that it means anything in blackjack. :eek: :: ::


Well-Known Member
In early surrender games, hard 7 is a surrender against an ace but I don't recall the count. Not that it matters to me since the only game I can play around here is a LS game.


Well-Known Member
blackjacktilt said:
Very entertaining. One thing, hard 7? You can't break on next card so it's just a total of 7. I've seen this before people saying "hard 8, hard 9" etc.
With all do respect of course.
As long as we're being picky the phrase is actually "with all due respect", not "do". ;)


Well-Known Member
21gunsalute said:
As long as we're being picky the phrase is actually "with all due respect", not "do". ;)
Hey, don't forget the comma after "respect!" It (i.e., of course) is a parenthetical expression (without the parentheses, of course). :laugh: Aslan


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
Hey, don't forget the comma after "respect!" It (i.e., of course) is a parenthetical expression (without the parentheses, of course). :laugh: Aslan
The exclamation mark is supposed to be OUTSIDE the quotation marks. ("respect"!) :devil:


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
Hey, don't forget the comma after "respect!" It (i.e., of course) is a parenthetical expression (without the parentheses, of course). :laugh: Aslan
I was trying not to be overly picky. Picking out a few faults is okay, but picking major faults can cause an earthquake. ;)

Feel free to quote me on that.


Well-Known Member
Sucker said:
The exclamation mark is supposed to be OUTSIDE the quotation marks. ("respect"!) :devil:
Good to see that someone is awake out there. :devil:


Well-Known Member
Going to try to be especially careful on terminology and grammar here . . .

1. I have now seen people surrender on a count as low as 6.

2. Three of us playing SP21. Dealer shows A, first base immediately says "Surrender." Dealer takes half of the bet and his cards before checking for BJ. Other guy says, over and over, "What? You can surrender before checking for BJ?" I'm just thinking, "STF up." :whip:

3. My newly AP GF was playing low stakes in our favorite store, spreading from 1x1 to 2x6, and winning. Pit crew is all women. GF notices them in conversation at the podium, then they are all looking at her and one is even pointing. PB walks directly over to her and says, "I hope we didn't make you uncomfortable. We were admiring your purse." :grin::grin:


Well-Known Member
zoomie said:
Going to try to be especially careful on terminology and grammar here . . .

1. I have now seen people surrender on a count as low as 6.

2. Three of us playing SP21. Dealer shows A, first base immediately says "Surrender." Dealer takes half of the bet and his cards before checking for BJ. Other guy says, over and over, "What? You can surrender before checking for BJ?" I'm just thinking, "STF up." :whip:

3. My newly AP GF was playing low stakes in our favorite store, spreading from 1x1 to 2x6, and winning. Pit crew is all women. GF notices them in conversation at the podium, then they are all looking at her and one is even pointing. PB walks directly over to her and says, "I hope we didn't make you uncomfortable. We were admiring your purse." :grin::grin:
That has to bed one for the books! LMAO Good thing you taught her to remain cool under pressure. You wouldn't want her saying, "Okay, okay! I'm leaving!" :eek: before they even had time to say anything! :laugh:



I've been lurking for some time and while not a counter, I play a solid BS game. Earlier this week at Sands, PA, I had the "pleasure" to sit at a $15 table with awful players. A continuous rotation of players in seat 3 would stand on 15 or 16 becuase they did't think the dealer "had" it. A new player comes in and asks if she can use her BS card. Dealer tells her fine but the lady says she needs to get it from her car. Several players say don't worry we will tell you what to do. Second time she got a 15 with the dealer showing 4 she says she is going to hit. Cries from the masses of "NOOOO". she doesn't and dealer flips a 10 and draws a 6 for a 20. Well you can guess what she said. Also she would double for less and got offended when I ask if I could make it a true double. Her stellar play cause her to leave $200 poorer in about an hour.
What I learned is that I will limit my unasked for advice to other players and that BS strategy cards only work if you use them.
Thank you for allowing me vent.

Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
aslan said:
Good to see that someone is awake out there. :devil:
Actually, it's a matter of preference! Just as a comma can be placed after a quotation, as in the example—"it's 'all due respect', not 'do'"—an exclamation can be as well. However, the norm in American English is usually to include punctuation within quotation, regardless of usage. If you're of the school that emphasizes punctuation outside of quotation when using a quote within a sentence, then Sucker's got the right idea. Personally, I rarely punctuate outside of quotation marks, and no complaints from my editor yet!