Oh crap, my bad! I was laid off in March and probably haven't been layed since then either :grin:
"She" has a degree in electronics with a minor in math.
I say "she" because I did state that my husband was an engineer.
Hey, that was a good slam and yes I may not be the most proficient at spelling and forget to use spell checker sometimes but who cares? I won't let you guys intimidate or scare me off. I can take it but for sure I can also dish it out too! :whip:
Just to help you out here are a few synonyms for "SHE"... Miss/Mrs./Ms., daughter, femme, gal, gentlewoman, girl, grandmother, lady, madam, matron, mother, she, sister, woman, babe, bimbo, chick, dame, dish, doll, doxy, female, floozy, gal, girl, honey, lady, lassie, miss, moll, skirt, sweet thing, tootsie, babe, baroness, bitch, broad, butterfly, contessa, countess, dame, doll, duchess, empress, female, gal, gentlewoman, girl, little woman, mama, mare, matron, missus, mistress, noblewoman, old lady, old woman, petticoat, princess, queen, queen bee, rib, squaw, sultana.
I don't care which one of the above you choose to call me but here's something to think about...remember that the next time you see a smokin' hot :flame:"she" sitting next to you at the BJ table raking in all the money, well, it just might be me your eyeballing and flirting with!
See guys, I do have a sense of humor!