More than this


Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
yesiamred said:

I want to apologize for Flash, he is normally a gentleman, but I consider that term disrespectful and out of line. This comes from a Father of two girls.

Thanks, I guess I am used to the way some men (NOT ALL) can talk and act. My chosen career in electronics is a non-traditional female occupation and I have had to put up with nasty grammar, attitudes, comments, etc, on the job. I can for the most part ignore and take in each their own.

Playing blackjack is just another life situation that I have to deal with and I was going along and humoring Flash and once again trying to fit in this male predominant forum. It just means that with hard work and determination I will prove myself once again only this time at the bj tables. If I ever hear that "Q" word used at the casino I will know it's him and for sure he will be the only embarrassed person at the table!

Have a wonderful day Creeping Panther! You’re a sweety:angel:


Well-Known Member
A brief explanatory note.


Here is a quarter. The parking meter has expired.
The one where you parked your antique day-glo paisley time machine.
I just checked my handy dandy laminated pocket calendar to verify that this is, (probably), the 21st century.

The use of archaic phraseology implies a measure of outright facetiousness.
I am a farcical elder in Tie Dye T-shirts who, at times, holds the "talking stick".


Harken to my words.

I am sure that your daughters occupy a uniquely elevated notch in the diverse human hierarchy.
Not a whit of disrespect did I intend.
Hmmm ? "Whit ? Yikes ! Yet another archaic term slipped in.

Note re:"whit" ORIGIN is late Middle English - apparently an alteration of obsolete "wight" [small amount.]

… but I digress. Begging your collective largesse, I prattle on.

Note re: "prattle" ORIGIN is mid 16th century from Middle Low German. - talking at length in a foolish or inconsequential way.

Hmmm. Where was I ? Oh yes. I was busily denying any hint of disrespect that was inferred by our colorfully-named indigenous friend, C.P.

I have an average level of default respect for ALL persons, (irrespective of gender),
including everyone's daughters, (and "the fruit of C.P.'s loins") ~ and mothers-in-law
of all races and shoe sizes) ~ and Michelle Obama ~ and Pocahontas ~ and the
buxom bisexual beast who bushwhacked me on me to outright swipe my virginity, sans my complicity,
49 years and 49 days ago, in the borough of Queens, in the city of New York, "on a dark and stormy night."



Well-Known Member
yesiamred said:
Oh crap, my bad! I was laid off in March and probably haven't been layed since then either :grin:

"She" has a degree in electronics with a minor in math. :eek:I say "she" because I did state that my husband was an engineer.

Hey, that was a good slam and yes I may not be the most proficient at spelling and forget to use spell checker sometimes but who cares? I won't let you guys intimidate or scare me off. I can take it but for sure I can also dish it out too! :whip:

Just to help you out here are a few synonyms for "SHE"... Miss/Mrs./Ms., daughter, femme, gal, gentlewoman, girl, grandmother, lady, madam, matron, mother, she, sister, woman, babe, bimbo, chick, dame, dish, doll, doxy, female, floozy, gal, girl, honey, lady, lassie, miss, moll, skirt, sweet thing, tootsie, babe, baroness, bitch, broad, butterfly, contessa, countess, dame, doll, duchess, empress, female, gal, gentlewoman, girl, little woman, mama, mare, matron, missus, mistress, noblewoman, old lady, old woman, petticoat, princess, queen, queen bee, rib, squaw, sultana.

I don't care which one of the above you choose to call me but here's something to think about...remember that the next time you see a smokin' hot :flame:"she" sitting next to you at the BJ table raking in all the money, well, it just might be me your eyeballing and flirting with!

See guys, I do have a sense of humor!

Don't sweat it. Rumor has it Norman Einstein couldn't spell either. :joker:


Well-Known Member
yesiamred said:
"She" has a degree in electronics with a minor in math. :eek:I say "she" because I did state that my husband was an engineer.
Perhaps Flash thought you were from one of the New England states. :band:


Well-Known Member

Spell check my butt, ask kolan to spell check your post if you want perfection of dictation. Seriously though I can't imagine any female ap coming here and expecting polite anything. It would be nice to have everyone have a high level of gentile manners and such but it won't happen. The abuse these women take from people here pales in comparasion to the idiots they endure at the tables. I further think the babes here know we love them for their playing abilities at the tables not their....? ;)


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
"I don't care which one you choose to call me"

I prefer "Quim" - but only because i can say it in any company and it is
unlikely that anyone knows what it means. See ? I too have a sense of humor.

:eek: OMG, I had to look that one up...that is a good one. OK, now I am motivated to find a exotic word of my own to use that is similar for the male counterpart.
Then I suggest using dork. You may be surprised when you look that one up.



Whale Penis

Back in the early whaling days of New England, whalers referred to the whale's penis as the "dork". It was never used as any sort of derogatory term or insult to others, simply a noun applied to a part of the whale. Words have a tendency to evolve in meaning over time!


Well-Known Member
21gunsalute said:
Apparently you didn't see the winkie.
I think it means, "Just kidding," but apparently it can be interpreted differently. That's one of the problems with the written word and even graphics as opposed to talking face to face.


Well-Known Member
yesiamred said:
Oh crap, my bad! I was laid off in March and probably haven't been layed since then either :grin:

"She" has a degree in electronics with a minor in math. :eek:I say "she" because I did state that my husband was an engineer.

Hey, that was a good slam and yes I may not be the most proficient at spelling and forget to use spell checker sometimes but who cares? I won't let you guys intimidate or scare me off. I can take it but for sure I can also dish it out too! :whip:

Just to help you out here are a few synonyms for "SHE"... Miss/Mrs./Ms., daughter, femme, gal, gentlewoman, girl, grandmother, lady, madam, matron, mother, she, sister, woman, babe, bimbo, chick, dame, dish, doll, doxy, female, floozy, gal, girl, honey, lady, lassie, miss, moll, skirt, sweet thing, tootsie, babe, baroness, bitch, broad, butterfly, contessa, countess, dame, doll, duchess, empress, female, gal, gentlewoman, girl, little woman, mama, mare, matron, missus, mistress, noblewoman, old lady, old woman, petticoat, princess, queen, queen bee, rib, squaw, sultana.

I don't care which one of the above you choose to call me but here's something to think about...remember that the next time you see a smokin' hot :flame:"she" sitting next to you at the BJ table raking in all the money, well, it just might be me your eyeballing and flirting with!

See guys, I do have a sense of humor!

You left out "squeeze," as in, "She is my main squeeze." smiley-love039.gif


Well-Known Member
21gunsalute said:
I guess I'm going to have to explain my comment now:
(Dead link:
I got the gist, but I had no idea who the originator was. The Theisman, wise guy, I mean smart guy, of the NFL! Living in the Washington area, I endured many a season of Mr. Joe. But sometimes he made up for it with excellent play.