Well-Known Member
There was some sort of problem on the hand the dealer made a mistake or misealt the cards in some way. I just got a really favorable pit boss decesion in my favor I had 14 against a dealer 5 and the player next to me got two cards thrown at him at the same time one was his card and the other was the dealers hole card. The pit boss looks at them one card is an ace and the other is a 10 card so the pit boss gives the ace to the customer and the dealer takes a 10. The person next to me makes a good hand wins and gets paid. The deal pulls a 3 and beats my hand with an 18 and the pit boss than tells the dealer to push my hand when I was fully expecting to lose the hand after the dealer had made a hand. I had $25 bet on the hand so to me it was like getting a free $25!