Most you have won/lost playing blackjack


Well-Known Member
Solo player said:
I found a quarter on the casino floor once. Thats it for me!
That's nothing, this one time, I bet ten thousand on one number on roulette, I won and then I had to leave the country because FBI found out I was card counter then I went to live with Gaddafi where he taught me about the 100% winning system known to infidels as 'martingale'.

Now I live in Quebec and just play weekends.


Well-Known Member
Mods: PLEASE delete this thread asap...last time someone revealed their 'big win' they had to use the "fake my death" cover move


Well-Known Member
I NEVER lose with my system. It works every time! I can sell it to you for just $17 jazillion. :bomb:


Well-Known Member
Back in the late 70's, after a big score on a Vegas junket, our return flight developed engine trouble and we had an unscheduled stop in Houston.

After a long delay, most of the time being spent in one of the cocktail lounges, my alcohol fueled dyslexia kicked in and instead of boarding a SWA flight, I unknowingly boarded a NASA test flight with what I thought was the ugliest flight attendant created, not recognizing it was a chimpanzee.

Fortunately, I have excellent kidney functions because I've been in orbit ever since. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
It all starts to come together...

PierceNation said:
That's nothing, this one time, I bet ten thousand on one number on roulette, I won and then I had to leave the country because FBI found out I was card counter then I went to live with Gaddafi where he taught me about the 100% winning system known to infidels as 'martingale'.

Now I live in Quebec and just play weekends.
Aha! This might explain how Gaddafi’s daughter knew to send QFIT the email described in this thread.


Well-Known Member
Haha I can neither confirm nor deny that I sold Norms email address to the Gaddaffi family in exchange for bankroll investment/political power/hot libyan women.

Legal note: I didn't, I promise.


Well-Known Member
I was at the Mirage one night and my buddy nudged me and said, "See that guy over there," pointing to a fellow at a $50 min blackjack table, "that's the one they call the Grifter. "You mean, Zengrifter!" I exclaimed. "One and the same," he replied. He looked a bit different than the pictures I had seen of him on You-Tube, but imagining him without the baseball cap and with shorter hair, I could see the resemblance.

I moseyed over to the table and watched intently. It was double deck, S17. The dealer had just completed shuffling and the "Grifter" sitting in the 5th seat pushed out two hands of $500. The lady in the second seat who had been fooling with her purse, grabbed her drink and left as I quickly slipped into her vacated chair in this NMSE game before the first round commenced. In a heartbeat I pushed out $20,000, my entire trip bankroll, instructing, "Pumpkins, please." I quickly divided the chips in two even stacks and pushed out two hands of $10,000 each, the table max.

The dealer yelled out, "Betting table max!" an announcement I had never heard before. A suited gentleman floated suddenly into view, hovered momentarily over the table and said in a low aside to the dealer, "It's okay."

The Grifter, noticeably perturbed, stood up at his seat, stretched, and I thought for a minute that instead of yawning, he was about to swing the back of his arm around and knock me squarely in the head, but instead, he slunk back into his chair and stared intently as the dealer burned a three of hearts. Then the dealer smoothly flung the first round of cards--

I peeked. Ace, Ace landed on my two spots-- I gasped as if surprised-- I could see the grifter's cards as he bent up the corners-- jack, 6.

I could not tell whether the sound I heard was a gasp or a cough, but I think I detected tears welling up in the grifter's eyes. Tilting my head toward him I confided, "These casinos are full of dust and allergens. Drives me crazy!"

The second round came--

queen, king-- "Wow!" I jumped up as if surprised. "Double Blackjack," I celebrated in a loud voice as I flipped my cards.

The Grifter peeked a 7, 10-- and the dealer flipped a king.

The Grifter looked sick, queasy.

I declared confidently, "The dealer will bust," although I didn't have a clue what the dealer's hole-card was.

The grifter waved off a hit on his first hand, a 17, then scratched for a hit on his second and caught another ten to bust.

The dealer flipped his hole card revealing a 6 for a 16. The Grifter's face brightened. Then the dealer raised his arm and hit the next card forcibly as if to bust his hand-- but out popped a 5 for 21.

"Sorry, dude," I consoled, as I fought to contain the beaming smile that was forcing it's way onto my face.

The dealer pushed out a tall and short stack of orange chips on each of my hands, which I quickly gathered up and headed forthwith to the cashier cage. I think I heard a thud as I departed the table, but I did not look back. It was one of the most exciting days of my life!

Years later I ran into the Grifter at the MGM Grand in the high limit room. He had stacks of Pumpkins and Barneys in front of him and was tipping the waitress a black chip for his Coke. I edged up to him and he recognized me immediately. He let out a hearty guffaw and I knew at once that all had been forgiven. Then he added with a smile, "You're not thinking of playing at my table, now are you?" I smiled and said, "No sir, I have to meet my wife in 5 minutes," and I turned around and left.

True story. :joker:
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Well-Known Member
blackriver said:
Awesome if it was true
In these times, we can all use a good laugh.

I learned how to track aces from a zengrifter post, and that is true. ;) :toast:


Well-Known Member
I've left the table up over a thousand bucks a few times over the years. But like I always say, I'm obviously no kind of high roller. Just a downtown Vegas kind of guy.

I took a local Tucson Indian casino for $600 last summer in only little over an hour of play spreading $10-75. The shoes I got going one-on-one with the dealers were sweet.

I can only dream of using black chips, but I sure enjoy playing this game anyway.


Well-Known Member
Playing with a two man, EMFH joint bank team both times:

Worst: Personally lost $23,000 in a week

Best: Personally won $60,000 in three weeks