Multi-quote function


Well-Known Member
I see there is a new multi-quote function on the message board. It sounds like a neat feature, but how do you use it?


Staff member
Here's my first reply, just to get something to multi-quote.

And here's an extra sentence.


Staff member
ScottH said:
I see there is a new multi-quote function on the message board. It sounds like a neat feature, but how do you use it?
KenSmith said:
Here's my first reply, just to get something to multi-quote.
To do this, I clicked on the multi-quote icon in the corner of each message I wanted to quote. It changes color to let you know you've selected that message. Then, I clicked the Quote button in one of the posts. I automatically get this message, with both previous messages quoted inside.

As usual, you can freely edit the portion of the messages that you want to quote, as I did to include only one sentence of my previous post.

Useful? Maybe occasionally. I actually use multi-quoting differently in many cases. I'll respond to a single post, but in sections, by manually inserting the start and end quote markers. Just use <quote> and </quote> except with square brackets.