So, I stand corrected. As it turns out, your result was not at all as unusual as I had suspected. See below.
The reason is that, the 1-10 spread in an H17 shoe game, play all, is really not adequate. The hourly standard deviation ($204.14) is a whopping 23.4 times the hourly expectation ($8.73). Acceptable ratios should be in the 10-15 range.
So, while losing after 650 hours clearly sucks, statistically, for your parameters, it happens about once in every eight such runs (12.35%), and you are, I'm afraid, the one!
Better luck this year.
The reason is that, the 1-10 spread in an H17 shoe game, play all, is really not adequate. The hourly standard deviation ($204.14) is a whopping 23.4 times the hourly expectation ($8.73). Acceptable ratios should be in the 10-15 range.
So, while losing after 650 hours clearly sucks, statistically, for your parameters, it happens about once in every eight such runs (12.35%), and you are, I'm afraid, the one!
Better luck this year.