Interesting. Wish I had done this last week....
I tried again last night, same place, same rules, etc. etc. but THIS time I decided that I would only play on positive counts. Still being new, I decided that I would also just flat bet one unit. So, my results were:
4 hours, 19 free sodas, 1 (very good) patty melt later, I had managed to wong into just 6 positive shoes, one of which I only played 3 hands before leaving. My best session? Up 13 units. My worst? Down 10. Walked away UP 11 units total. I was QUITE pleased! (No, not a lot of money, but I DID manage to prove to myself that it really does work! And I see a MAJOR difference from playing perfect BS and counting from the top of the shoe and losing 50 units in about an hour like last week and playing only positive counts and MAKING money, instead!)
Interestingly enough, where I lost the 11 units I watched until the count went positive. At that exact same time, 3 of the 4 players at the table left, so I jumped in-and the count kept climbing, which of course meant I kept losing! And wouldnt you know, after I'd laid what would become my 11th unit loss, 4 people walked up and sat down (I was at 3rd base) and proceeded to take just about every high card in the deck!!!! (They all won, I of course lost my 17 vs. dealer 18!) And the shuffle came, so I bailed!
Making me wonder-on another thread they are arguing the merits of 3rd vs. any other base. When wonging, it looked like I would have been better off playing first. Unless I hear differently, I am going to assume that there would be no difference, rather just personal preference? (I'm also thinking about the shoe where I played just 3 hands-winning two-when the count dropped again. I was at 1st base there, and caught the few cards that caused it to drop.
Interestingly enough, I was counting one shoe, it was towards the end of the shoe, the count took a GREAT leap, so I jumped in. 4 hands later with the count still positive, the dealer deals blackjack-to all 4 of us sitting there, and deals himself 16! THAT made us all want to cheer!
Anyway, I have learned a lot from all of you by reading, and great tanks to Ken for allowing this to happen. Now I practice for another month and bring up a proper bankroll for a smallish spread (maybe 1-4) and do that "wong" thing again....
And after 19 free sodas, I didn't have to fake any "bathroom breaks"