My Friends the Ploppies!


Active Member
I just wanted to share some stories about my friends, the ploppies.

I have a few friends that like to follow me around when I play. These are my actual friends who I know, not random people.

Ploppy #1: aka "Maybe I Should Listen to Cyclist"

This fellow has played blackjack with me since I was a ploppy myself. He notices I am doing something different and starts asking me what is going on, and I explain CC to him. He actually understands and decides that he should at least learn basic strategy instead of general ploppy strategy and low and behold, he actually does and now at least plays good basic strategy!

Ploppy #1 also enjoys: playing a 1-2 spread by watching my bets.​

Ploppy #2: aka "Ploppy Strategy is Clearly Superior!"

This guy is friends with ploppy #1 and is also a smart guy, but has no desire to listen to even the most basic advice.

Me: You really should avoid 6:5 games
Ploppy #2: I don't want to bet $25, I'll just stay at this very similar 6:5 game for $15, its cheaper!
Me: Whatever. Have you considered memorizing basic strategy?
Ploppy #2: I don't need to, I know how to play this game!​

So, ploppy #2 has a tendency to be found in the party pit at Harrah's playing 8D 6:5 and playing perfect drunken ploppy strategy. And then...he regularly wins money. He is actually ahead with this method for the entire time that I have known him. Of course I understand that there is variance, and long term his strategy is not sound, but he doesn't. He tells me things like "See, I knew this would be a good table!" Based mostly on the appearance of the dealer (wearing an outfit not decent to be in public in in a party pit), even though the table is likely the worst blackjack game on the face of the planet (outside in the tent at Harrah's LV).

Ploppy #2 also enjoys: wearing a 3 foot long margarita around his neck on a rope and ordering everyone shots.​

Ploppy #3: aka "Cyclist's Life is Like Reality TV, Only Better!"

This guy seems to think that we are the cast of the show Entourage of something. He follows me around when I play, will sit at the table with me and then just order drinks and watch. Sure, there's nothing suspicious about this situation. Usually he will suggest the high limit room, so they will bring him free drinks just for sitting with me. After that, he will then follow up by flagging down the pit boss, pointing out how much I am betting and asking for passes into the casino nightclub. Sometimes I am surprised that he doesn't bring a camera along just in case I get backed-off, just so he can capture the moment on film. Ploppy #3 doesn't actually know that I am counting, he just knows that I am betting a lot of money and sometimes get backed-off.

Ploppy #3 also enjoys: Deciding to play one token hand with me, but only at negative counts. I've never figured that one out.
Ploppy #4: aka "Watch Me Lose, A Lot!"

This is one of the more challenging ploppies to deal with. He doesn't know I count cards, but is himself a degenerate gambler and thinks I must be too. He is always pointing out how great a bet the "Royal Match" or "Lucky Lucky" is and explaining it plays into his strategy because if he loses the hand, he will probably win the side bet and still come out ahead.

Ploppy #4 also enjoys: Flashing his Harrah's Diamond card to prove he's lost more money than I've ever placed on the felt.​

Overall, I just thought it was funny that I could have these friends, that all deal with blackjack in such different ways. One understands and wants to learn, one refuses to admit his method isn't better, just because he wins sometimes, one thinks its real life live entertainment to watch, and one is just a crazy gambler.

Now, I know that I should try to avoid ever playing with people that will draw to much attention or get me in trouble, and generally I do, but at other times its just unavoidable when you run into a friend you know in the casino.

Feel free to share stories about your ploppy friends too!


Well-Known Member
Funny stuff. It seems that #3's tendency to draw extra attention to you could be detrimental to your longevity :grin:


Wookets said:
Funny stuff. It seems that #3's tendency to draw extra attention to you could be detrimental to your longevity :grin:
Or great cover. What counter would put up with such behavior. You are probably right though.


Active Member
Wookets said:
Funny stuff. It seems that #3's tendency to draw extra attention to you could be detrimental to your longevity :grin:
Clearly. Luckily he's only been around a couple times when I have been playing.


Well-Known Member
Very funny and well written, cyclist! I got some good chuckles out of that.

I used to play with the friend who originally taught me how to play. Since then, I've learned how to play the right way and she's remained a ploppy, steeped in ploppy superstitions, including ignoring basic strategy and taking/not taking a hit because she has a "feeling." Counting chips is "bad luck." The first time I hit a soft 18 (correctly), she told me off in front of the entire table. "That's not how I taught you to play!"

We occasionally go to the casino together and have dinner and she'll play with me for about half an hour, but she's declared that playing with me is "bad luck," so we don't do it nearly as often as we did before I somehow became bad luck for her. :laugh:

We're trying to plan a trip for a Nevada location this fall. Hopefully, we can both relax and have some fun on the felt but we might have to play different tables.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh, Ploppies :)

They just dont get it. My buddy thinks so many of the ploppy fallicies.
My buddy thinks he knows more than basic strategy. He's really high on his intellect and himself in general, so he just cant understand why he doesnt win a gambling....
Actually he has a ploppy reason: he says he has the worst luck on the planet. This bad luck makes him lose, despite him having his perceived edge on the game.
He wont consider counting cards bcuz with his bad luck, he could never win at it.
He actually believes i may be dealing drugs! despite me telling him my spending money is from Blackjack.
anyways, now im just venting.
Hes a good guy in a lot of other respects