My "Letter to the Editor" appears in today's LVRJ

Re: My "Letter to the Editor" appears in today's L

Mayor, why do you bother with your half-hearted crusade against the casinos? Is it because you are mostly out to make a name for yourself? That is the only conclusion I can reach. You send letters to the LVRJ and you even go as far as making television appearances, yet you will not root out the surveillance spies on your very own site! Do you know how many surveillance agents are listed on your guest book? In fact, you only took down the name of a guy who actually came out and said point blank that he is in surveillance but you leave the ones who are hiding their identities alone Furthermore, you refuse to take action against the surveillance people who post messages trying to bait the hapless counters here into giving up information about their tactics and instead focus your attention on eliminating the right to privacy of the visitors to your site and heavy-handedly removing posts from actual professional gamblers whose opinions just happen to disagree with your own, very narrow, point of view. Your draconian methods of handling this forum put you in league with the other sites out there who are afraid of dissent and heated discussion and not in keeping with the mindset of an enlightened academic. They do it, presumably, to protect profits. What is your excuse?

This is but one facet of your apparent crusade which has me perplexed. The other, of course, is that you represent only yourself and a handful of other recreational blackjack players. You are not even a Nevada resident and yet you are attempting to affect policy changes here. You are not even a professional blackjack player yet you are sticking your nose in business which ultimately does not concern you. Some of us are professionals whose livelihoods depend on things in the casinos staying exactly as they are; yet misdirected people such as yourself are butting in and attempting to make changes which will, in the end, only hurt the cause of card counting. You don't see me going around trying to divert more funds from professors' salaries at state universities in California to use that money instead to improve traffic conditions in the Los Angeles metropolitan area just because I am annoyed to death everytime I drive through there.

If you get roughed up, file suit! People do it all the time and win. Don't whine to the newspaper. If you get kicked out for being a skilled player, accept it and try not to get kicked out next time! For someone who is a self-proclaimed master of games, you certainly have missed the boat on what the real game is when it comes to advantage play. Blackjack is a simple game and requires very little skill to beat. Getting an edge is just one small piece in the puzzle of profitable gambling endeavors. The real game being played is the game of going into a casino, taking its money and then leaving unmolested. Those who cannot do that resort to complaining about the unfairness of the game and how the deck is stacked in the house's favor. Well, guess what, that's the way it is. The casinos are there to win money, not to give it away. They are trying to run a business and when I get kicked out of a place, I understand exactly why, and I do not hold it against the casinos. If they go beyond their right to protect their assets from my skill by refusing to allow me on their property or deal to me, then I can take other measures starting with a phone call to my lawyer, not a letter to the LVRJ's editor or a whiney interview with George Knapp.

I recommend that you try to strengthen your own game instead of trying to make your opponent play at a lower level.

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Re: My "Letter to the Editor" appears in today's L


Thank you for contributing an important view, I hope you will continue to give your side, while staying within the posting guidelines.

>Your draconian methods of handling this forum put you in league with the other sites out there who are afraid of dissent and heated discussion and not in keeping with the mindset of an enlightened academic.

Your posts have been deleted in the past because they violate the explicit posting guidelines of this site. In particular, they put this site at legal risk. One of the LVHCM affiliated posts had a physical threat. Many are full of private and personal information. Recently, one of your posts threatened to bring this site to its knees if I attempted to censor you. Others use fowl and abusive language. Keep it clean and on topic and you are welcome here!

>They do it, presumably, to protect profits. What is your excuse?

I don't need an excuse. I actually enjoy running this site.

>yet misdirected people such as yourself are butting in and attempting to make changes which will, in the end, only hurt the cause of card counting.

Possibly. However, that is not my intention, nor is there any evidence that anythign I have done to date in the media has hurt any games. In particular, pros like you do not own the game, even the amatures are entitled to play, and their experiences are real as well. The cause of card counting is all of our cause, not just the pro's cause.

>If you get roughed up, file suit!

There are many lines of attack, open to all. Media, legal, financial. Let's hit them in every way we can!

>I recommend that you try to strengthen your own game instead of trying to make your opponent play at a lower level.

I continually work to improve my game.

Again, thank you.

A friend suggested that the LVHCM open their own site on which they can freely post their views.

Let's get a few things straight

I believe you have me confused with someone else. I have never put up a post which violated the posting guidelines, nor have I ever threatened you or anyone else on this board. I have absolutely no reason to threaten you. If I ever feel the need to take our discussions to another level, I'll just knock on your office door and we can talk in person, or maybe I'll just say hello the next time I see you in a casino (I saw you, did you see me?) but now I'm getting off topic. Lucky for you, I'm a nice guy, though I can't say the same for the entire LVHCM. Anyhow, back to the matter at hand. The only post of mine you ever busted was one in which I included the home addresses of the director of the Stratosphere surveillance and the owner of Griffin Investigations. Why you busted that is still a mystery to me. I think that information should go right back up for all to see.

Secondly, as far as we professionals are concerned, anyone who clumsily attacks the casinos in a way which could potentially prove threatening to our financial means, regardless of his intentions, needs to be shut down. One thing I learned long ago in life is not to mess with another man's ability to make a living. While I think you are probably harmless, believe it or not, some pros consider you a threat. So far your media blitz has proven completely ineffective and has largely fallen on deaf ears. As long as that continues, you can continue to feed your ego and try to have fun being the righteous crusader. Just remember who the general public is. They are the same people who split 7s into a ten up or who hit their 8s against a 7 up. Trying to win any sort of favor in the public arena, among people whose opinions are given to them by others instead of formed through critical thought, is about as futile as trying to spread 1 to 20 black with the count on a single deck and get away with it. But if you really push the casinos, they will start playing hardball and you are going to crash and burn. They own the government in Nevada. Just accept it, justice will not be done as long as the casino industry is the number one source of tax revenue for Nevada. You're better off draining their coffers from subjecting them to your superior skill on the table so that they have fewer dollars to send to their marketing departments to rope in more suckers and, in turn, have lower annual revenues to divert to government bribery.

You did manage to avoid answering a few of the points which I brought up in my previous post, so I'll attempt to prod you again. Why do you protect the identities of the surveillance people here? I do believe my associate pointed out that one of your posters was, in fact, a casino surveillance employee and all you did in response was bust his post making that statement. Why would you remove the name of a person who admits openly to being in casino surveillance from your guest book? If they want to come out and say who they are, we should let them because at least then we know with whom we are dealing. You have at least two other surveillance people in your guest book. Can you figure out who they are? It certainly casts your own efforts in a shadow of suspicion when you add those things up and then throw a few other into the mix: your brazen attitude about your picture and identity being known (a friend to casinos need not worry, you know), your ostracization from Green Chip events and your removal from the face of rge. I'd like an explanation about all of this, because I'm starting to wonder where you really stand, though I certainly don't expect you to answer if it's not in your best interests.

As for the LVHCM setting up a website, that is not going to happen. It is far more fun and useful to take the truth, regardless of how painful it can be, to the existing sites and let them sweat our action.

At least I can respect you for letting these posts go through. I'm sure the moderators on any of the other blackjack sites would have prevented them from going in since they pay no homage to the site and, if anything, could be construed as insulting if read in the wrong frame of mind. You see them for what they are: an opportunity for meaningful discussion instead of more drivel. Perhaps there is hope for you yet, though I have my doubts.

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Re: Let's get a few things straight

>I believe you have me confused with someone else. I have never put up a post which violated the posting guidelines, nor have I ever threatened you or anyone else on this board.

That's good to know, however, any post that has the LVHC... attached to it is assumed to come from the mind of a group, and therefore the individuals posting under these tags are assumed to be working together, and all posts will be considered as coming from the same person(s) with the same agenda and hence will be treated as a group. LVHCM, LVHC Consig, LVHC Hitman, etc. All the same. Moreover, if any individual from your group posts under a separate (non-LVH) handle, that is also assumed to come from the group, for now.

> Lucky for you, I'm a nice guy, though I can't say the same for the entire LVHCM.

A threat, veiled, yet a threat. And just above you said you don't violate any posting guidelines. Yet you continue to threaten me.

>Anyhow, back to the matter at hand. The only post of mine you ever busted was one in which I included the home addresses of the director of the Stratosphere surveillance and the owner of Griffin Investigations. Why you busted that is still a mystery to me. I think that information should go right back up for all to see.

I offered to put it back up, on my terms, in a way that I felt comfortable with, but I never heard back from you. I suggested an anti-Griffin book. I was told by a friend that such a book already exists and is shared among you. Why not make it public?

>Secondly, as far as we professionals are concerned, anyone who clumsily attacks the casinos in a way which could potentially prove threatening to our financial means, regardless of his intentions, needs to be shut down.

Hence Griffin, Biometrica, etc. all need to be shut down! I can't think of anyone more clumbsy than these. And I am working to shut them down. At last, a point we can agree on!

>Why do you protect the identities of the surveillance people here?

I am not protecting their identities. I am happy to know who these people are, and say so, but I simply don't know them like you do. Some are forthright about it, and post inside info about their experiences. Others are, as you say, spying. If you know the surveillance, please tell me and I will out them immediately. As for "suspected" surveillance -- you even accuse me of that (see below) -- it is getting absurd how many people were being accused of being casino spies. If you can state that so-and-so works at a casino, and you can document it, say so and I will out them.

>Why would you remove the name of a person who admits openly to being in casino surveillance from your guest book?

Because Jimmy (from the Chumash, actually a floor person) said some nasty things about the students at UCSB that were not in the spirit of the guestbook.

>It certainly casts your own efforts in a shadow of suspicion when you add those things up and then throw a few other into the mix: your brazen attitude about your picture and identity being known (a friend to casinos need not worry, you know), your ostracization from Green Chip events and your removal from the face of rge.

This is the comment I was referring to above. You are implying here that I work for the casinos or am otherwise a spy. Please. This violates a posting guideline (it is slanderous).

>I'd like an explanation about all of this.

What explanation, either you want to meet me and talk with me in person (you had the opportunity) or you don't. If you want to meet me and work this all out, I'd be happy to, if not, you are really going off the deep end here. I am sure you know how to contact me, if you want to do so then let's talk.

>because I'm starting to wonder where you really stand, though I certainly don't expect you to answer if it's not in your best interests.

Yet another statement in which you suspect me of being a spy. Again slanderous and in violation of the guidelines. These are the sorts of things that get your posts busted.

>At least I can respect you for letting these posts go through.

Yes, that should say a lot to you. This is not an "at least" -- this is huge, baby! In this post alone, you threatened me and accused me of working for casinos. This post clearly violates the guidelines, yet here it is! Wow!

You asked some questions, and I have answered them. Now, let's move on to your positive contributions to this site!


learning to count

Well-Known Member
Re: Let's get a few things straight

I respect the LVHCM as a definite group of pro-players. I understand their view. What I dont understand is, "why the threats?" The suspicion of the mayors collusion with the casinos is absurd especially with the lengths he has gone in his intelligent use of Freedom of Speech in the media.

Making money from black jack is not an excuse for a person to claim his that right to make a living is a reason to threaton any one for thier views; or their rights to run their "PRIVATE" blacjjack community web site as they see fit!

If Blackjack is what a person relies on to survive on then don't blame or threaton anyone, ploppy or pro for their oppinions. I think relying on something so dangerous as gambling to support a family; wife, kids, pets, and mortgage payment; is very risky. If you pull it off; Salute! Especially with the casino corporation's ability to "control" the legal environment.

I agree the casinos will do what they want. In the light of the mayors freedom of speech through his oppinion in the las vegas journal. I think the Casinos are not afraid of a university professor PHD and his intellectual endeavors in advantage play. They probably in all thier arrogance laugh at the letter and are saying "yeah right". I fear more teams like the MIT boys who (true or false) are bitch slapping the casino corporations and laughing at them. This is dangerous.

I think the intensity of the Mayor's letter is in the tradition of Ken Uston. He is on the straight and narrow. Question why would such a successful team as the LVCHM be upset over a minor effort by a educated and well meaning person as the Mayor? Please as my Godfather in "chicago" once said it is better to keep a low profile when you are making money then running around trying to be a big shot. God bless him he survived a life time of 87 years and had a life that could be a book that would make the sopranos look like a soap opera. Please try and not push this mafia thing either. I was slapped around in high school by making fun of those people. I have respect for them even though they are what they are. I too welcome the LVCHM to these pages I would like to know how to spot the weak dealers and take advantage. Salute! Bon Giorno! Salute!
Re: Let's get a few things straight

>Yet another threat, veiled, yet a threat. Why do you continue to threaten me?

I think you are being a little paranoid. As I have already indicated, I have no reason to threaten you. It's just not my style. I'm just telling you, despite your insistance that the LVHCM is some sort of collective brain, that I'm a nice guy but other members are not. It's these people who aren't so nice who would be the type to make threats, not me.

>I offered to put it back up, on my terms, in a way that I felt comfortable with, but I never heard back from you.

Go ahead and post it then. Put it anywhere you want on your site, I don't care, I just think that sort of information is something people should have about them since they have it about us.

>Hence Griffin, Biometrica, etc. all need to be shut down! I can't think of anyone more clumbsy than these. And I am working to shut them down.

Now your naivete is showing. I am a featured member of Griffin but it has had no affect on my ability to make money in a casino. Griffin provides the casinos with a false sense of security instead of providing them with anything worthwhile. As long as the casinos keep buying into the Griffin myth then that just makes things easier for me. Biometrica is an even bigger joke. I'm not happy that they send my picture around and put out false information about me but so what? If it really made a difference in my life I'd fight it, but, for now, it just isn't worth the hassle. Are you even in Griffin? Have they ever done anything unjust to you?

By the way, just how do you intend to shut them down? How much money are you going to throw into your efforts to bring them down? You realize that, in the modern American era, justice is bought not granted. I'm sure your opponents are ready with big bankrolls to defend their businesses.

>I am not protecting their identities. I am happy to know who these people are, and say so, but I simply don't know them like you do. Some are forthright about it, and post inside info about their experiences. Others are, as you say, spying. If you know the surveillance, please tell me and I will out them immediately. As for "suspected" surveillance -- you even accuse me of that (see below) -- it is getting absurd how many people were being accused of being casino spies. If you can state that so-and-so works at a casino, and you can document it, say so and I will out them.

Do some internet searches on the names in your guest book and see if any of them pop up as being surveillance people. I am often surprised just what you can find out about a person on the web. As for me accusing you of being in surveillance, I don't think I ever did that. I just have to wonder, all things considered, where you really stand.

>As I said, that person also called me a casino spy in the same post. Absurd.

Why is it absurd to be a skeptic about things?

>Because Jimmy (from the Chumash, actually a floor person) said some nasty things about the students at UCSB that were not in the spirit of the guestbook.

That should get them fired up enough to double their card counting efforts and really give a smack to the Chumash.

>What explanation, either you want to meet me and talk with me in person (you had the opportunity) or you don't. If you want to meet me and work this all out, I'd be happy to, if not, you are really going off the deep end here.

I'd rather not meet you in person. I am genuinely suspicious of you and your intentions. I don't want my photograph appearing on this site! It is unclear where you really stand and what your actual agenda is. I'm not implying that you are a casino employee, I am inferring it from the evidence as being a possibility, albeit remote. So far, you've offered no information to contradict this. Are you suspected by the Green Chip community of being dangerous to their identities? Is that why you were denied entrance to their last event? What about rge? Why can't you post there? I know Don prides himself on rooting out casino spies and others who could be considered dangerous. Maybe I'm nosing around in your private affairs, but you have to try to step away from what you know and look at yourself from the perspective of someone like me and maybe you can see why I, and many others, have become suspicious of you.

>Yes, that should say a lot to you. This is not an "at least" -- this is huge, baby! In this post alone, you threatened me and accused me of working for casinos.

Yes, clearly you are a bigger man than Wong or Matthews.

>You raised some excellent questions, and I have answered them. Now, let's move on to your positive contributions to this site!

Being the voice of dissent is a positive contribution. Sure, I may be an unpleasant bastard, but I do contribute to the site. You are the authority figure on this site and the only one with the power to censor, yet you participate in discussions and offer your opinions all the same. If no one is here to question you and give you a hard time then your site will die a death of timid back-slapping and universal agreement even though the authority is occasionally wrong. Scroll through some Green Chip threads to see what I mean. The oneness of opinion and the tag-team lambasting of anyone who disagrees with the party line or questions one of the many "authorities" is sickening. Especially when they're wrong!


Legal Concerns

Legally and financially I do not think that is the place for counter-surveillance data that may violate industrial secrecy and personal liberties. A better place would be an off-shore server-host, maybe with a domain '' or some such (could even be a subscript-based service if it included updated illicit copies of Griffin and other surveillance-nexus data). could link to it, of course. Note as well that previously I have invited a LVHC poster to post the addresses and other data at CCCafe which is semi-anonymous and impenetribal.

As for your LVHC handles, how about you guys assigning #s 1-n? Then when we see a post from LVHC-2 we will know a distinction as well as capo-ranking of that persona, ca'pece? -zenrackets
Re: Legal Concerns

I don't think posting the names and addresses of the director of surveillance at the Stratosphere or the owner of Griffin Investigations is in any way a violation of anyone's privacy or "industrial secrecy." The Stratosphere's SD is very public about who he is and his identity can be found on several surveillance related websites, as can a few of the names in the guest book here. Furthermore the names and addresses of business owners, such as Mr. Griffin, are public information. I don't necessarily agree with this but it is the perogative of the United States government that this is the case. As such, nothing I ever posted was in violation of any laws and there is no liability.

Of course, following someone to his car and then recording his license plate number so that you can later ask your corrupt police officer friend to run the plate and get your identity IS illegal for several reasons, but that's exactly what casino people and Griffin agents do.

I would post this stuff at CCC but, let's face it, nobody but you and Rob McGarvey ever post or read anything there.

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Re: Legal Concerns

I have never had a problem with having this information on my site, I just want to be able to control it. I don't want it slip-sliding away into a post that will be forgotten in time. I want a link to it on my main page, and I want it done in a way that has all the proper disclaimers to protect myself legally. Finally, I want it to look good.

I deleted the old forums and do not have the names/addresses, nor do I have the time right now to look them up. Send what you like to me, you will get a result.



Responses to LVHCH & Mayor

LVHCH - "I would post this stuff at CCC but, let's face it, nobody but you and Rob McGarvey ever post or read anything there."

Granted, CCCafe is no longer viable for anything but linking newbies over to McGravey's one man bandstand and school of higher gamblenomics, though the ineffable John May does show up a few times per month in an apparent display of fiegned relevancy. Which LVHC# are you?

Mayor - "I have never had a problem with having this information on my site, I just want to be able to control it. I don't want it slip-sliding away into a post that will be forgotten in time."

Disagree - I will share in the glee of posting such counter-counter-intel, BUT it should be posted by a 3rd party elshere (not NOT directed by you and only then can link to it. There are now illicit copies of Griffin-mug with occaisional updates to boot that could/should/can be included!


Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
What Law?

"I would post this stuff at CCC but, let's face it, nobody but you and Rob McGarvey ever post or read anything there."

Glad you droped by and know the score. I would like to speak to you by private email if I can. I would like to sort out a few things with you. Your knowledge and street edge are very evident to me.