Or, as Guynoire so eloquently put it cutting thru all my layers of crap and getting to the point lol, (1.11/-.0039)^2=81006 lol.sagefr0g said:N0. (N-zero) A mathematical term that reflects the number of hands required to be played with a certain set of rules and strategy before the player is ahead by at least one standard deviation.
What's so hard to see if this neg EV BS player is still even after 81006 rounds he has exceeded his EV by 1 SD and that his EV and 1 SD are the same amount of dollars?
So I'd add to "before the player is ahead (of EV) by at least one standard deviation"
"and his EV equals 1 SD".
But, maybe like you say, N0 really only applies to a +EV game as a measurement of a counter getting to "longrun" and winning money forever. A BS player doesn't have a long run where he will win money forever. That's why it's meaningless in a CVCX sim for a flat-bettor - it would imply a BS player still even after 81000 hands has a good chance of winning money forever.