That under-estimate how much you make in posts by discribing your profit in units? Where in reality you could have won andywhere from $25-5k or more? If not I would adivse you to do so. Especially if your e-mail name is the same as your handle name. Noticed that trucked up when I saw the pit pull up the blackjackinfo page. With a page that I definitley posted on.
Comments appreciated. I cannot play unrated in my locale. Every casino, every shift manager and every dealer know me and what I do. Mostly from my stupid days of playing for days. But the rest who I have never played against know me and Talk to me by name
Comments appreciated. I cannot play unrated in my locale. Every casino, every shift manager and every dealer know me and what I do. Mostly from my stupid days of playing for days. But the rest who I have never played against know me and Talk to me by name