Myth, Truth or Rumor

This is second hand info so I do not know the validity of this statement. A friend of mine claims he had a friend that use to deal in Vegas. He claimed his friend told him that vegas casinos remove 5 cards from every deck in 6-8 deck BJ shoes. He did not say what the 5 cards were, but I assume that if this is true it would be 10 count cards which would give the house a tremendous advantage. Anyone ever heard of this?


Staff member

When new decks are brought to the table, they are opened in front of the players, and the dealer then spreads the deck insuring that every card is present. Then the dealer examines the backs of the cards carefully to make sure there are no marks that would allow a player to identify a card from the back. Only after all the decks have been checked does shuffling then take place.

While it is possible that a casino could remove cards from the deck during play, they would be risking their gaming license for an extra advantage when they already make plenty of money dealing a fair game.

Bottom line? Don't worry about it. The games are fair.
Thanks for your reply. I thought about that also even though I never really look at the cards when they are spread out. The local casinos that I play in regulary do not spread the cards out like is done in Vegas. One casino does have them spread but face down. The other casino does not bother to spread them.


Well-Known Member
Last weekend I heard from a German friend and prof. roulette gambler in Vegas that a manager of a German casino got caught because he took out some cards.

5 Years jail/prison :)


Circle Wash Shuffle

Do any of you know if the "Circle wash" shuffle business has merit? does this actually go on? :eek: or is it hogwash :confused: apparently the book will show you how to identify a randomly shuffled table (52% for the house) from a circle washed table (70% for the house). :confused:

Take care and be lucky ;)

