Well-Known Member
maybe one point is if you do get an ugly duckling (a bad black swan) what do you do about it or before hand how do you prepare for it? or maybe how do you position your self so as to not be likely to get one? what do you do if your stuck with one? just how bad may the lil critter be? lol.aslan said:I'm afraid no matter what you do, you'll probably end up with an ugly duckling instead of a black swan. On the other hand, without even investing $5, you may end up with a black swan, quite possibly without even looking for one. What?
the black swan (the good black swan) on the other hand you play it conversly. what do you do about it or before hand how do you prepare for it?
or maybe how do you position your self so as to be likely to get one? what do you do with one once you get it? just how good is it and what would you risk to get it?
all that with out even knowing what the heck it is or when it's comming. just knowing that the black swan is what you don't know and it's gonna be significant and it's gonna be unpredictable.
and here's something i'll go out on a limb and say. i don't think a black swan is something an AP is ever gonna see. i think you gotta take a gamble if your ever gonna see one in a casino. not these mini gambles that AP's take hand after hand. i'm talkin risk here. how, when i haven't the foggiest.
well i'll buy that. see aslan i don't foget stuff. you remmember when i asked you about playing blackjack with virtue over in the voodoo forum? see you know what from what you wrote above i think you believe in that stuff more than you want to admitt. probablly more than i do and i'm the one that was toying with the subject.Consider the Creator. Grant Him all the usual attributes. He decides to create Sagefr0g. Where do I put him? What place, what time, what circumstances. Being all-loving, He proceeds to view the infinite possibilities of placement and subsequent effects on the development of Sage from the beginning of his life to the very end. Being infinite, He can do this. Lol So he finally sees all the possible outcomes with all the free choices you would make in your entire lifetime. Ah! Here is the right one that ends up with the best outcome for Sagefr0g IMHO (advantage play, if you will). So, that's where I'll put him, He says.
You see, it is really the matrix after all, in so far that everything is preordained to happen, as we dance around events with our free wills, which are truly free, although their choices are all foreseen.
Now consider that He does this with everyone all at once. Wow! The fix is in.
so but i just want the black swan and not the ugly duckling lol.
thing is us mere mortals by the very nature of what a black swan or ugly duckling is don't even have a notion of what it is or even know if it exists. just all we know is that it's significantly life changing, totally unexpected and not even supposed to exist.
that being the case i don't think they really occur in the game of blackjack for a typical AP. but they do for wild ass gamblers. the differance might be preparation and what to do with the darned swan. a ploppy is gonna kill the goose that lays the golden egg. an AP might have a clue.
but maybe there are mini black swans and mini ugly ducklings in blackjack that an AP might experience.
like when you win hand over fist in a negative count and lose your butt off in a positive count. like when you double down on a hard 11 and get an ace and maybe the dealer busts. yay! yeah totaly normal stuff i know but far from the ideal or the expected norm.
like to me that four standard deviations i hit in the warrior thing were i think i was up 60 grand or was it 70 grand before i dropped down to 30 some grand. well for a person of my psychological make up that's pretty close to the concept of a black swan and the losing part pretty close to a ugly duckling. lol. i know standard deviations are totally expected by what ever degree at what ever number of hands. just to my psychological frame of referance it's a parrallel. for a guy like me it would be utterly ridiculous to lose that circa 40 grand. i can't imagine allowing myself to do that in real life play. with my free will i would not choose to do that as an AP come hell or high water. i might lose some of it but sure as hell not 40 grand. In other words, in the words of a famous man from Brooklyn, "Fuhget abaughtit!"
i've played em. thats how i got into this gambin stick. lol.Yes, the slot machine is random. What if you knew when it would hit? Would that change it's randomness? No. If you played the slot machine 50,000 times, would that increase your chances of winning? By the so-called laws of probability, yes, but by your intelligent placement in the world the answer is that you have as much chance to win with one play as you do with 50,000 plays. In other words, in the words of a famous man from Brooklyn, "Fuhget abaughtit!"
you know what? you can win a pretty fair chunk of change. not saying long term that's loser'sville. i lost every dime i ever made on the slots but nothing more when i was a really slot player. that's what drew me to learn card counting and draws me to try and figure out what ever other AP stick may be possible. you know i wouldn't swear that i wouldn't take a shot at a slot machine or not. well truth be known i play a dollar or some freebee mailings ticket in a penny slot from time to time. to me it can be fun for a short while. maybe an hour or so. no big deal to me. what a dollar? i do watch the bottom line as far as what happens though. with the freebee's or my own dollars. i ain't gonna let myself get down much before the fun evaporates and those shenanegans are history. too me with slots it's a question of what are you willing to pay for value wise entertainment and possibility of winning. how much am i willing to lose? not much. if anything the kind of black swan you was refering to that just happens to you with out really trying for it might happen on a slot machine. same goes for the ugly duckling but it's probably the more likely one. kind of helps to know the differance i should think.
every time i gamble it's more than i want to. every nickle. lol. but it's a kind of an ambivalent thing like a kid in a candy store. and yep i've had it happen to get almost or all the money back. i mean heck thats kind of common in counting or even just basic strategy play. but yeah hope for it don't count on it. lol i've had a lot of gifts and a lot of lessons. and yeah when you lose more than you can afford gambling that's when it becomes degenerate gambling. it's i believe some truth in the common idea of keep it fun or don't do it. it's like to me a professional AP for whom it isn't fun would seem to me to defeat the purpose of being a professional AP. that's why i had to give up my dream of supplementing my retirement in a meaningful way by card counting. just too much work involved for me to enjoy it that way.Did you ever gamble more than you wanted to and then at the very last moment you hit it big and got almost all your money back? What are the odds of that? Can you count on it? My guess is that just as soon as you begin to count on it you'll lose your life savings. Lol That's the way life is. When we win, it's a gift. When we lose, it's a lesson. When we have a good time gambling and don't lose more than we can afford, it's entertainment.
I think a good sign that you were meant to be a card counter might be if you found yourself successful from the start. I would never risk the farm on something as fickle as probability theory. A bird in the hand...
i don't think i have but the fuzziest of understanding of probability theory or statisitics. it's one of the few common academic maths i never had rigorous schooling in. i know the worst part about it for me is keeping an understanding about independent events, the idea of the law of large numbers and that the law of averages doesn't always compute like one would suppose it would when it comes to the likelyhood of something happening with respect to independent events. yea ole gambler's fallacy thing is a hard bugger to shake. but as far as a bird in the hand..... i wanna black swan. lol
damm straight. that's what i'm talkin bout. :cool2:I guess what I'm saying is that I respect your desire not to lose even your $5 bet. Lol