Nearest casino to Orlando please . . .


Well-Known Member
While it's great that plainplayer won money there, just be forewarned that the game is terrible. It's been a while, but as I recall it was 8D, poor pen, and no LS. Probably H17. Also kept crowded, so hopping tables takes some finesse.

It's certainly beatable, but I'd suggest being very aggressive about your spread and wonging. I didn't encounter any heat. There are a few other threads here about the place.
The game is not worth traveling to and what's worse is they didn't even have a Hard Rock Cafe when I was there a few months ago! Leave your BR home when visiting Orlando, enjoy the high-quality shopping malls and restaurants.

SWFL Blackjack

Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
The game is not worth traveling to and what's worse is they didn't even have a Hard Rock Cafe when I was there a few months ago! Leave your BR home when visiting Orlando, enjoy the high-quality shopping malls and restaurants.
As of the first of the year, Hard Rock Tampa now does have a Hard Rock Cafe. The games are poor, as are most in Florida. Not going to find anything under 8D unless you're in the HL area, in which you're still looking at $100 mins, 4/6 dealt, no LS, and a very good chance of getting heat.

You're better off staying in Orlando and enjoying yourself there.
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Best games near Orlando, FL

The Hard rock casino's in Tampa and Hollywood are crap. There is a cruise out of miami that brags about high minimum 6/5 single deck. What kind of crap is that?

There may be a good game coming. The Victory Casino cruise in cape canaveral/cocoa beach will have a $25 minimum DD game in their VIP room. I havent heard back but i'll assume DAS and 50% pen (what I usually see for DD). I read about Tunica, MS having 75% pen on DD which is interesting. Flights to Tunica (or nearby Memphis TN) are as pricey as flights to Vegas so it depends whether you want driness or humidity.

Vicksburg, MS has S17 for single deck, but it's D10,11 only.

If you can get a few people to go on a roadtrip, then you can split the travel 4 ways and go to Tunica and play hard till they bring in heat (I am unsure if you will get heat, I got no heat spreading bets 10-20 fold in Vegas) then go to Vicksburg. Shoot for $1000 profit a day each, you should be able to get away without getting barred. But I cannot say for sure as MS is smaller than Vegas. A big casino in Vegas might bring heat if you start winning $1000 a hand, but not a day.


Best games in Orlando, FL

Ditto the crap sentiment on Hollywood Tampa. Not worth it!

Regarding MS, it's a whole different ballgame in them parts. There are definitely good games in the areas mentioned, but you won't get away with playing textbook 10 to 20 spreads green and higher. Heck, just rolling into Vicksburg looking like a Californian will get you kicked outta town.


Seminole Hard Rock - Tampa - table mins?

Are there any $15min tables? Do they manually shuffle or do they only do ASM? I will not play CSM. Are there only 8D shoes or are there any 6D shoes?

I haven't been to Tampa to play in a while and have read a lot of negatives about both Tampa and Hollywood Hard Rocks on this forum. BUT I would like to play when I'm in Tampa this weekend if their limits are lower.

Most of the threads I have read here are >1yr old, so not sure how relevant some of that info still is. Would appreciate some feedback from someone who has been there recently.




Well-Known Member
There is a better game than hard rock on the Sun Cruz in Port Richey, but overall not the greatest. maxmimum is also only 200 and you can only spread to 2 hands so if you want more money on the table bring a friend. I will say, being a small boat its not a very sweaty place even with me getting up to table max on multiple spots.


FLASH1296 said:
LOW stakes are all C S M when I was in FL some months ago.
So are the 6 shoe decks $25 min? Are those hand shuffled or ASM?

I just may wait until I go back to Biloxi in a few months!!! :laugh:

Thanks again, TF


Well-Known Member
I have not seen ANY A.S.M.'s in Florida Seminole casinos, BUT I have seen them use (boxed) "pre-shuffled cards.

High Limits at Tampa is $100 minimums, but during the week at off-hours it is possible to find $50 games.

All with dreadful penetration of course.


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
I have not seen ANY A.S.M.'s in Florida Seminole casinos, BUT I have seen them use (boxed) "pre-shuffled cards.

High Limits at Tampa is $100 minimums, but during the week at off-hours it is possible to find $50 games.

All with dreadful penetration of course.
Did they get rid of them? I remember all ASM's at those stores a year or so ago.