Need bj simulation software with output file


New Member
Hi all,
I'm looking for good BJ simulation software that can output to a file. I'm leaning towards the Casino Vérité software, but I'm not sure what the output looks like. My Pops, big-time winning BJ player, is getting old and has a hard time getting out to play. He also lives quite a distance from me, so I want to send him a win/loss play results where he can document his betting strategy. I’ll do some math and... hopefully publish (well that's the dream anyway:rolleyes:). He doesn’t bet on straight card-count, else they would kick him out --- did I mention the huge record of wins. So... back to the question. Does anyone know of some good bj simulation software that has output to a file?
Thanks.... and I'll post my findings here first of course. <;)>


Well-Known Member
You want to send your dad some sort of document to enter his wins and losses ? Usually a simple excel sheet would suffice.

Why would you need a BJ simulation software for this ?
If you already use CV, you can usually ask the author to implement some sort of output functionality.


New Member
excel would be great output with me but I want something that can simulate a standard 4/6/ 8 deck shuffle 75%pen where I can plug in house rules (basic h17, das, s to 4 stuff like that) and then tell the software the player will play strictly to basic strategy (say input player action based on some kind of basic strategy grid), then I want output to be very simply W,L,W,L(on double), W, S-W/L, W (on double) kinda thing. Not worrying about the count so my dad can better define his betting progression (okay, okay I know betting progression is a sure looser but I'm telling you he has 10+ years of big wins to back him up). Is this something I'm gonna have to write myself or is there something like this out there?
I’m okay with a dose of reality that I’m living in a dream world for what I’m looking for (just be gentle when you tell me cuz I’m real sensitive)


Staff member
I'm not aware of any software that will export the individual hand-by-hand results.

But, seriously, I think you should reconsider your goal. If you use a large enough number of hands to be statistically meaningful you'll just learn that progressions don't work. If you use a smaller number of hands, you'll just fool yourself into thinking that they do. Sounds like a bad idea either way.

Simulation is good. Looking at individual streams of outcomes is not good.


Well-Known Member
The laws of statistic may seem weak to you (because they may not predict any specific event), but don't be blended by that.

There is a billion times higher probability that your dad does not tell you his full story, than that he is a 10year nothing-but-successful progressionist.


New Member
I just luv chas'n wild geese.

I hear what you say but pops doesn't use a straight progression. He may (probably) talk bigger than he wins but he ends the year a happy man. I would like to apply some stats and try to model his process. Plus, I have the added bonus of spending time with my dad doing something we both love to do and travelling casinos doing research and learning how to build comps. Either way, I'm winning on this one.
But... I think the point here is I should look into building some kind of excel spreadsheet to do what I'm looking for, especially since I have such a preconceived output.
Thanks for the help (and the gentle way of saying 'get your head out of the sand, chickie-poo).


Well-Known Member
Comp play is an entirely different story. I agree with that, it's profitable and quite a hobby.


New Member
Tell me about the joy of playing for comps. They are giving him a Beemer of his choice this year :grin:
... As far as the statistics goes... you are not betting that you will win the next hand, you are betting the chances of winning are better than the chances of losing.


Well-Known Member
GayleGJ said:
excel would be great output with me but I want something that can simulate a standard 4/6/ 8 deck shuffle 75%pen where I can plug in house rules (basic h17, das, s to 4 stuff like that) and then tell the software the player will play strictly to basic strategy (say input player action based on some kind of basic strategy grid), then I want output to be very simply W,L,W,L(on double), W, S-W/L, W (on double) kinda thing. Not worrying about the count so my dad can better define his betting progression (okay, okay I know betting progression is a sure looser but I'm telling you he has 10+ years of big wins to back him up). Is this something I'm gonna have to write myself or is there something like this out there?
I’m okay with a dose of reality that I’m living in a dream world for what I’m looking for (just be gentle when you tell me cuz I’m real sensitive)
PowerSIM can easily be modified to do this, but it seems like a ridiculous waste of time. The system is a loser.


Well-Known Member
johndoe said:
PowerSIM can easily be modified to do this, but it seems like a ridiculous waste of time. The system is a loser.
Right progression is a loser. Although I'm a proponent of it for other reasons ;)

However, if OP is looking to get a feel for RoR or variance and such, it would be a worthwhile excercise.

Also if your looking to model shuffles (which are non-random) and player decisions (which leaves deck in some order) and discern if certain patterns emerge, this might not entirely be outside the realm of possibility, although I'm not aware of anyone discovering what these patterns might be, although very curious myself.


I don't think you would like to run the simulations to show your dad...

They would point out the opposite of what his apparent results are.

It's pretty simple.. Math says progression systems don't work in the Long Run.

Positive Variance has obviously been on your Dad's side... but I see a ton of people in the casino on the other side of it everyday...

But playing to break even / tiny loser to gain comps is a possible strategy if your just playing for fun.. Heck All paid for vacations why not?
