NETeller's Actions Have Been Deplorable
By Hartley Henderson
The original intention of this article was to give people an update on the NETeller situation, to hopefully address everyone's concerns and to inform the American public who have funds tied up at NETeller exactly what the company was doing to ensure players' money was not compromised. Instead, I am forced to write a totally different article. I held off writing the article hoping, in vain, for some explanation from NETeller describing what was happening.
...more - (Dead link: http://majorwager.com/index.cfm?page=27&show_column=426)
Neteller patrons to see longer wait for money
By Jon Swartz, USA TODAY
SAN FRANCISCO — The waiting game for thousands of U.S. patrons with money tied up in an online payment service under federal investigation just got longer.
The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York late Wednesday said it extended the deadline until March 16 to decide whether to indict the co-founders of Neteller, an Internet money-transfer service popular among gamblers. Stephen Lawrence and John Lefebvre were arrested in January on a charge of conspiracy to transfer funds with the intent to promote illegal gambling
For U.S. customers of the site, it was another delay in their efforts to recoup their money, which remains in Neteller accounts until the legal matter is resolved.
...more - http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2007-02-14-neteller_x.htm?POE=TECISVA
NETeller's Actions Have Been Deplorable
By Hartley Henderson
The original intention of this article was to give people an update on the NETeller situation, to hopefully address everyone's concerns and to inform the American public who have funds tied up at NETeller exactly what the company was doing to ensure players' money was not compromised. Instead, I am forced to write a totally different article. I held off writing the article hoping, in vain, for some explanation from NETeller describing what was happening.
...more - (Dead link: http://majorwager.com/index.cfm?page=27&show_column=426)
Neteller patrons to see longer wait for money
By Jon Swartz, USA TODAY
SAN FRANCISCO — The waiting game for thousands of U.S. patrons with money tied up in an online payment service under federal investigation just got longer.
The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York late Wednesday said it extended the deadline until March 16 to decide whether to indict the co-founders of Neteller, an Internet money-transfer service popular among gamblers. Stephen Lawrence and John Lefebvre were arrested in January on a charge of conspiracy to transfer funds with the intent to promote illegal gambling
For U.S. customers of the site, it was another delay in their efforts to recoup their money, which remains in Neteller accounts until the legal matter is resolved.
...more - http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2007-02-14-neteller_x.htm?POE=TECISVA