new C.S.M.


stopgambling said:
CSM never do go well, so why play them at all?

Ploppies are stupid, only 5%, if that many, that walk into a casino know what is going down,,and when it comes to BJ, not even 1%.

The evil casino has a license to steal and plays on the vast herd of ignoramises, in conjunction with the local-state Govment taking their cut.:mad: Just get used to that fact and be very concerned as to what you are doing, not the other person.:)

As an AP it is your responsibility to take the casino for all you can, in any way you can,,give it to em hard.:cool:


SWFL Blackjack

Well-Known Member
stopgambling said:
Shuffle Master actually introduced the King back in 1999 (see It is actually slower and less efficient than the newer one2six seen at most casinos. I do agree that civilians should avoid all CSMs and play only shoe games.


Well-Known Member
Thanks CP ,i understand . i shared the same thoughts as you,but hope to push back the use of these dreadful machines!! Some places succeed somewhat in their trials.Otherwise ,we wont have much time !Most people here only talk about the U.S. ,But ,globally these machines are popping up like over 50% of places.If casino dont allow us to make small profits out the ignorants ,we should not making it easy for them to take theirs .After all ,we the masses still have to deal with the social problems stemmed from the casino industries.


Well-Known Member
:eek: I just read it on the" net" ,but seemed like they are changing from 1,2 six to the" king"??? Better ?? because less" latency in redistribution"??oh well ,the situation is still shxxty.!!


Well-Known Member
SWFL Blackjack said:
Shuffle Master actually introduced the King back in 1999 (see It is actually slower and less efficient than the newer one2six seen at most casinos. I do agree that civilians should avoid all CSMs and play only shoe games.

My thoughts on civilians and CSMs are evolving. Ever sat at a table and enjoyed the company of someone who has BS down but isn't a counter?
I cringe as I watch them double down on 11 into a deck that is quite low on tens, or watch as they stay on a hand when the deck is loaded with fives and other low cards?
I'm beginning to think a person well versed in BS might be better off playing CSMs, as long as they sit out a few hands an hour. With the CSMs, they will always be playing a shoe that is close to neutral- which is what BS is designed for.


Well-Known Member
Some other "excellent" casino products

I-table: I think it's a piece of crap.

Mindplay: Mind if I play through your crap game protector?

Biometrica: Don't worry, just put some glasses on.

carny games: No comment

Solo player

Well-Known Member
The average Joe Blow gambler doesn't know a good game from a bad game. And could care less. They gamble whatever cash they have to spare and hope they get luucky. A can't see a boycott ever happening.

SWFL Blackjack

Well-Known Member
Jack_Black said:
Some other "excellent" casino products

I-table: I think it's a piece of crap.

Mindplay: Mind if I play through your crap game protector?

Biometrica: Don't worry, just put some glasses on.

carny games: No comment
I saw an iTable once at a casino. It had a huge sign showing it was a new game. The table was dead. Three months later, the game was gone (clearly it flopped) and had been replaced with the new Rabit Hunter carnival game. Civilians like real cards and real chips. When will casinos and Shuffle Master figure this out? In the mean time, it will be fun watching them waste their money to prove something we already know. :p

SWFL Blackjack

Well-Known Member
Solo player said:
The average Joe Blow gambler doesn't know a good game from a bad game. And could care less. They gamble whatever cash they have to spare and hope they get luucky. A can't see a boycott ever happening.
I agree. If a gambler cared enough about the odds and good games vs. bad games, I don't think they would gamble at all.

If a gambler cared about good games, they wouldn't step foot near a slot machine, buy a lottery ticket, etc.

When was the last time you heard a civilian say "I'd play that game if it had less decks, S17, RSA, and late surrender?"


Well-Known Member
:laugh: thats the way!!!!!!!i know that the gamblers were not well inform ,so they keep playing thinking they have a chance even if it is roughly 49:51???thats what they r thinking.i know a lot of them like that ,but would not dare to say most!Even i explain to them why they lose but they still believe they got it figure out,it is just that they r not discipline enough!!!:confused::laugh:most of them ,or almost all of the never had any post secondary education,even those that had ,most like never completed ,or had any kind of solid math just preyed on the uninformed and not educated mass mostly ,but not absolutely ,just my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
My thoughts on civilians and CSMs are evolving. Ever sat at a table and enjoyed the company of someone who has BS down but isn't a counter?
I cringe as I watch them double down on 11 into a deck that is quite low on tens, or watch as they stay on a hand when the deck is loaded with fives and other low cards?
I'm beginning to think a person well versed in BS might be better off playing CSMs, as long as they sit out a few hands an hour. With the CSMs, they will always be playing a shoe that is close to neutral- which is what BS is designed for.
Before I learned to count, I unofficially kind of tracked what had been played; i.e., if the first few hands were composed primarily of small cards, I knew there was a good chance the shoe was getting heavy with 10s. It worked somewhat - better than nothing at all, not as good as counting. I also knew what games I consistently lost at, CSM being one. I knew I didn't like CSMs because you can't ever get a feel for what's been played and what might be left.

I have a very good friend who "taught" me how to play. She thinks now I've actually learned how to play and I'm pickier about the rules, I enjoy it less. She doesn't know I'm counting, so I can't tell her that I enjoy the game much more now because I'm a control freak and I feel more in control. What I don't enjoy any more is hitting the tables with friends, particularly her. She thinks because she taught me to play, I should play like she taught me - which, as it turns out, was wrong. She's a "gut" player and complains when I make plays that aren't right, according to her gut or the way she thinks they ought to be played. And I get annoyed when she makes bonehead plays because her "gut" tells her she should, then doubly annoyed when she complains about losing. Our friendship is better off if we make the tables off limits. :laugh:


Well-Known Member
As an a.p. or a cc ,it is our responsibility to take the casino for what we can .in any way we can?Well ,i never do see any a.p or or cc at where i play ,but few days ago, there were these couple of guys that just walk in with "counter" all over their forehead .,at least in my opinion,It turns out ,i was right .Within 5 mins . they were already jumping bet in unison :laugh:,noob??? or hit and run?? Anyway ,what i saw was they spread from 1- 10 ,together ,then to 20 units ,or 1-20 units ,at probably tc 2 or 3,it could have been 4 ,but it doesnt matter.i dont want to be associate with them!!I go there once a week and play a bit longer than average .Are they inexperience? in my mind they were ,but what do i know ,i m a noob too!! :laugh:Arent these guys killing my game ?i already feel they drop the pen from 60 -50% already!!!!:flame: