New DD at Grand Vic


I just wanted to let everyone know that Grand Vic opened up a $50 pitch s17 dd9, 10, 11. For as far as I know it is here to stay and has been rather popular.


zengrifter said:
What is the pene? zg
They allow:
Double after split on 9, 10, 11 only (you cannot re-split Aces)
Re-spliting up to 3 times
entering with 1 hand and playing up to 3 through out shoe

MentorZQ said:
They allow:
Double after split on 9, 10, 11 only (you cannot re-split Aces)
Re-spliting up to 3 times
entering with 1 hand and playing up to 3 through out shoe
All that and $50 min,,,how generous~:laugh::laugh::rolleyes:



Well-Known Member
Maybe 50-65% pen, depending on dealer. They watch the double deck a bit, but not too much.


Well-Known Member
MentorZQ said:
I just wanted to let everyone know that Grand Vic opened up a $50 pitch s17 dd9, 10, 11. For as far as I know it is here to stay and has been rather popular.
Makes me sick that casinos attempt to show this off as a premium game.

blackjackomaha said:
Makes me sick that casinos attempt to show this off as a premium game.
Casinos think they are so slick and can fool anyone, scam anyone, until they come against the likes of us. We are like the exorcists to the devil, and they hate to think we are coming.:grin:



Well-Known Member

S17 D9,10,11 (limited DAS) makes this game come in around -.25%;

so all we need to see is >60% pen and we have a fine game.


MentorZQ said:
They allow:
Double after split on 9, 10, 11 only (you cannot re-split Aces)
Re-spliting up to 3 times
entering with 1 hand and playing up to 3 through out shoe
What is the penetration?? zg


Consistently I have had about a 55%+ plus penetration, never less than 50%. I have played at this table now 3 times, and each time I have a pit boss that wants to make conversation with me non-stop.


Well-Known Member
blackjackomaha said:
Makes me sick that casinos attempt to show this off as a premium game.
It IS ia premium game for the area. Down the street one way it's D10 $50, the other way it's $10 D10 with less than 50% pen and dreadfully slow.


Well-Known Member
Penetration is 50% or worse now. Also, the casino is going to be taken over by a new company on April 1. Allegedly there won't be any major changes for 6 months, but we'll see.